经纬高转xyz坐标 matlab的代码
时间: 2023-09-05 22:09:52 浏览: 558
matlab.zip_xyz 转_xyz2blh_xyz2enu_xyz转经纬_经纬
5星 · 资源好评率100%
function [x, y, z] = llh2xyz(lat, lon, h)
% Convert geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude, height) to Cartesian
% coordinates (x, y, z).
% Input:
% lat: geodetic latitude in degrees
% lon: geodetic longitude in degrees
% h: height above the ellipsoid in meters
% Output:
% x: Cartesian x-coordinate in meters
% y: Cartesian y-coordinate in meters
% z: Cartesian z-coordinate in meters
% Constants for WGS84 ellipsoid
a = 6378137; % semimajor axis in meters
f = 1/298.257223563; % flattening
% Convert latitude and longitude to radians
lat = deg2rad(lat);
lon = deg2rad(lon);
% Compute the radius of curvature in the prime vertical
N = a ./ sqrt(1 - (2*f - f^2)*sin(lat).^2);
% Compute Cartesian coordinates
x = (N + h) .* cos(lat) .* cos(lon);
y = (N + h) .* cos(lat) .* sin(lon);
z = ((1 - f)^2 * N + h) .* sin(lat);
lat = 39.9; % latitude in degrees
lon = 116.4; % longitude in degrees
h = 50; % height above the ellipsoid in meters
[x, y, z] = llh2xyz(lat, lon, h);