// 服装出库 if (ac.equals("kcout")) { String pid = request.getParameter("pid"); String num = request.getParameter("num"); String type = request.getParameter("type"); String reason = request.getParameter("reason"); String savetime = Info.getDateStr(); int znum = 0; int innum = 0; int outnum = 0; ArrayList<HashMap> inlist = (ArrayList<HashMap>) dao .select("select * from kcrecord where type='in' and pid='" + pid + "' "); ArrayList<HashMap> outlist = (ArrayList<HashMap>) dao .select("select * from kcrecord where type='out' and pid='" + pid + "' "); if (inlist.size() > 0) { for (HashMap inmap : inlist) { innum += Integer.parseInt(inmap.get("num").toString());// 总入库量 } } if (outlist.size() > 0) { for (HashMap outmap : outlist) { outnum += Integer.parseInt(outmap.get("num").toString());// 总出库量 } } znum = innum - outnum;// 库存量 if (Integer.parseInt(num) > znum) { request.setAttribute("no", ""); go("/admin/kcout.jsp", request, response); } else { dao.commOper("insert into kcrecord (pid,num,type,reason,savetime) values" + " ('" + pid + "','" + Integer.parseInt(num) + "','" + type + "','" + reason + "','" + savetime + "') "); request.setAttribute("suc", ""); go("/admin/kcout.jsp", request, response); } }
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