时间: 2023-11-21 09:06:25 浏览: 55


XEP_VEHICLES 可以翻译为“车辆”。在汽车制造和维修过程中,车辆是指用于运输人员或货物的机动车辆,通常包括各种类型的轿车、卡车、客车、摩托车等等。车辆是由各种系统、部件和模块组成的复杂机械系统,包括发动机、传动系统、制动系统、转向系统、悬挂系统等等。车辆的制造、测试、维修和故障排除需要使用各种工具、设备和技术,以确保车辆的性能、安全和可靠性。因此,车辆是汽车制造和维修中非常重要的核心对象之一,它们代表着交通运输和机械工程领域的技术和进步。


Computer Science Literature Review With the rapid development of computer technology, computer science has become an important and essential discipline in modern society. The literature review is a critical component of research in computer science, as it provides a comprehensive understanding of the current state of knowledge in a specific field. This paper presents a literature review of computer science, focusing on the fields of artificial intelligence, computer networks, and software engineering. Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI has a broad range of applications, from natural language processing and image recognition to robotics and autonomous vehicles. One of the most significant recent developments in AI is deep learning, which is a subfield of machine learning that uses neural networks to analyze and learn from large data sets. Deep learning has been used to improve speech recognition, image classification, and language translation. Another area of AI research is reinforcement learning, which involves training machines to make decisions based on rewards and punishments. Reinforcement learning has been used in game playing, robotics, and even finance. Computer Networks Computer networks are critical components of modern society, as they enable communication and data exchange between devices and systems. The internet is the most prominent example of a computer network, but there are many other types of networks, including local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs). One of the most significant recent developments in computer networks is the emergence of 5G technology, which promises to provide faster and more reliable wireless communication. 5G networks will enable new applications, such as autonomous vehicles and smart cities, that require high-speed and low-latency communication. Another area of network research is software-defined networking (SDN), which allows network administrators to programmatically control network behavior. SDN has been used to improve network efficiency, security, and scalability. Software Engineering Software engineering is the process of designing, developing, and maintaining software systems. The field has evolved significantly since the early days of programming, with the emergence of new development methodologies, such as agile and DevOps. One of the most significant recent developments in software engineering is the rise of cloud computing, which allows software to be deployed and accessed over the internet. Cloud computing has transformed the way software is developed and deployed, enabling new models of software delivery, such as software as a service (SaaS). Another area of software engineering research is the development of automated testing and deployment tools. These tools help developers identify and fix bugs more quickly and deploy software more easily and reliably. Conclusion Computer science is a rapidly evolving field, with new developments and innovations emerging on a regular basis. This literature review has highlighted some of the recent developments in artificial intelligence, computer networks, and software engineering. As the field continues to evolve, it will be essential to keep up with the latest research and trends to remain competitive and relevant.


feScore - EPA Fuel Economy Score (负1 = Not available) fuelCost08 - annual fuel cost for fuelType1 ($) (7) fuelCostA08 - annual fuel cost for fuelType2 ($) (7) fuelType - fuel type with fuelType1 and fuelType2 (if applicable) fuelType1 - fuel type 1. For single fuel vehicles, this will be the only fuel. For dual fuel vehicles, this will be the conventional fuel. fuelType2 - fuel type 2. For dual fuel vehicles, this will be the alternative fuel (e.g. E85, Electricity, CNG, LPG). For single fuel vehicles, this field is not used ghgScore - EPA GHG score (负1 = Not available) ghgScoreA - EPA GHG score for dual fuel vehicle running on the alternative fuel (负1 = Not available) guzzler- if G or T, this vehicle is subject to the gas guzzler tax highway08 - highway MPG for fuelType1 (2) highway08U - unrounded highway MPG for fuelType1 (2), (3) highwayA08 - highway MPG for fuelType2 (2) highwayA08U - unrounded highway MPG for fuelType2 (2),(3) highwayCD - highway gasoline consumption (gallons/100miles) in charge depleting mode (4) highwayE - highway electricity consumption in kwhrs/100 miles highwayUF - EPA highway utility factor (share of electricity) for PHEV hlv - hatchback luggage volume (cubic feet) (8) hpv - hatchback passenger volume (cubic feet) (8) id - vehicle record id lv2 - 2 door luggage volume (cubic feet) (8) lv4 - 4 door luggage volume (cubic feet) (8) make - manufacturer (division) mfrCode - 3character manufacturer code model - model name (carline) mpgData - has Your MPG data; see yourMpgVehicle and yourMpgDriverVehicle phevBlended - if true, this vehicle operates on a blend of gasoline and electricity in charge depleting mode pv2 - 2door passenger volume (cubic feet) (8) pv4 - 4door passenger volume (cubic feet) (8) rangeA - EPA range for fuelType2 rangeCityA - EPA city range for fuelType2 rangeHwyA - EPA highway range for fuelType2 trans_dscr - transmission descriptor; see trany - transmission UCity - unadjusted city MPG for fuelType1; see the description of the EPA test procedures UCityA - unadjusted city MPG for fuelType2; see the description of the EPA test procedures UHighway - unadjusted highway MPG for fuelType1; see the description of the EPA test procedures UHighwayA - unadjusted highway MPG for fuelType2; see the description of the EPA test procedures VClass - EPA vehicle size class year - model year youSaveSpend - you save/spend over 5 years compared to an average car ($). Savings are positive; a greater amount spent yields a negative number. For dual fuel vehicles, this is the cost savings for gasoline. sCharger - if S, this vehicle is supercharged tCharger - if T, this vehicle is turbocharged翻译

帮我翻译代码:def splitRoutes(node_id_list,model):V={i:[] for i in model.demand_id_list} V[-1]=[[0]*(len(model.vehicle_type_list)+4)] V[-1][0][0]=1 V[-1][0][1]=1 number_of_lables=1 for i in range(model.number_of_demands): n_1=node_id_list[i] j=i load=0 distance={v_type:0 for v_type in model.vehicle_type_list} while True: n_2=node_id_list[j] load=load+model.demand_dict[n_2].demand stop = False for k,v_type in enumerate(model.vehicle_type_list): vehicle=model.vehicle_dict[v_type] if i == j: distance[v_type]=model.distance_matrix[v_type,n_1]+model.distance_matrix[n_1,v_type] else: n_3=node_id_list[j-1] distance[v_type]=distance[v_type]-model.distance_matrix[n_3,v_type]+model.distance_matrix[n_3,n_2]\ +model.distance_matrix[n_2,v_type] route=node_id_list[i:j+1] route.insert(0,v_type) route.append(v_type) "检查时间窗口。只有在满足时间窗口时才能生成新标签。否则,跳过“" if not checkTimeWindow(route,model,vehicle): continue for id,label in enumerate(V[i-1]): if load<=vehicle.capacity and label[k+4]<vehicle.numbers: stop=True if model.opt_type==0: cost=vehicle.fixed_cost+distance[v_type]vehicle.variable_cost else: cost=vehicle.fixed_cost+distance[v_type]/vehicle.free_speedvehicle.variable_cost W=copy.deepcopy(label) "set the previous label id " W[1]=V[i-1][id][0] "set the vehicle type" W[2]=v_type "update travel cost" W[3]=W[3]+cost "update the number of vehicles used" W[k+4]=W[k+4]+1 if checkResidualCapacity(node_id_list[j+1:],W,model): label_list,number_of_lables=updateNodeLabels(V[j],W,number_of_lables) V[j]=label_list j+=1 if j>=len(node_id_list) or stop==False: break if len(V[model.number_of_demands-1])>0: route_list=extractRoutes(V, node_id_list, model) return route_list else: print("由于容量不足,无法拆分节点id列表") return None

With the rapid development of China's economy, the per capita share of cars has rapidly increased, bringing great convenience to people's lives. However, with it came a huge number of traffic accidents. A statistical data from Europe shows that if a warning can be issued to drivers 0.5 seconds before an accident occurs, 70% of traffic accidents can be avoided. Therefore, it is particularly important to promptly remind drivers of potential dangers to prevent traffic accidents from occurring. The purpose of this question is to construct a machine vision based driving assistance system based on machine vision, providing driving assistance for drivers during daytime driving. The main function of the system is to achieve visual recognition of pedestrians and traffic signs, estimate the distance from the vehicle in front, and issue a warning to the driver when needed. This driving assistance system can effectively reduce the probability of traffic accidents and ensure the safety of drivers' lives and property. The main research content of this article includes the following aspects: 1. Implement object detection based on the YOLOv5 model. Conduct research on convolutional neural networks and YOLOv5 algorithm, and develop an object detection algorithm based on YOLO5. Detect the algorithm through road images, and analyze the target detection algorithm based on the data returned after training. 2. Estimate the distance from the front vehicle based on a monocular camera. Study the principle of estimating distance with a monocular camera, combined with parameters fed back by object detection algorithms, to achieve distance estimation for vehicles ahead. Finally, the distance estimation function was tested and the error in the system's distance estimation was analyzed. 3. Design and implementation of a driving assistance system. Based on the results of two parts: target detection and distance estimation, an intelligent driving assistance system is constructed. The system is tested through actual road images, and the operational effectiveness of the intelligent driving assistance system is analyzed. Finally, the driving assistance system is analyzed and summarized.

帮我翻译代码:def splitRoutes(node_id_list,model): V={i:[] for i in model.demand_id_list}#代码首先使用字典推导式创建了一个空的字典,并将其赋值给 "V"。字典中的键为需求点的 ID,值为一个空列表。 V[-1]=[[0]*(len(model.vehicle_type_list)+4)] V[-1][0][0]=1 V[-1][0][1]=1 number_of_lables=1 for i in range(model.number_of_demands): n_1=node_id_list[i] j=i load=0 distance={v_type:0 for v_type in model.vehicle_type_list} while True: n_2=node_id_list[j] load=load+model.demand_dict[n_2].demand stop = False for k,v_type in enumerate(model.vehicle_type_list): vehicle=model.vehicle_dict[v_type] if i == j: distance[v_type]=model.distance_matrix[v_type,n_1]+model.distance_matrix[n_1,v_type] else: n_3=node_id_list[j-1] distance[v_type]=distance[v_type]-model.distance_matrix[n_3,v_type]+model.distance_matrix[n_3,n_2]\ +model.distance_matrix[n_2,v_type] route=node_id_list[i:j+1] route.insert(0,v_type) route.append(v_type) "检查时间窗口。只有在满足时间窗口时才能生成新标签。否则,跳过“" if not checkTimeWindow(route,model,vehicle): continue for id,label in enumerate(V[i-1]): if load<=vehicle.capacity and label[k+4]<vehicle.numbers: stop=True if model.opt_type==0: cost=vehicle.fixed_cost+distance[v_type]vehicle.variable_cost else: cost=vehicle.fixed_cost+distance[v_type]/vehicle.free_speedvehicle.variable_cost W=copy.deepcopy(label) "set the previous label id " W[1]=V[i-1][id][0] "set the vehicle type" W[2]=v_type "update travel cost" W[3]=W[3]+cost "update the number of vehicles used" W[k+4]=W[k+4]+1 if checkResidualCapacity(node_id_list[j+1:],W,model): label_list,number_of_lables=updateNodeLabels(V[j],W,number_of_lables) V[j]=label_list j+=1 if j>=len(node_id_list) or stop==False: break if len(V[model.number_of_demands-1])>0: route_list=extractRoutes(V, node_id_list, model) return route_list else: print("由于容量不足,无法拆分节点id列表") return None






unity直接从excel中读取数据,暂存数据格式为dic<string,Object>,string为sheet表名,Object为List<表中对应的实体类>,可以自行获取数据进行转换。核心方法为ImportExcelFiles,参数有 string[]<param name="filePaths">多个excel文件路径</param> Assembly<param name="assembly">程序集</param> string<param name="namespacePrefix">命名空间</param> Dictionary<string, string><param name="sheetNameShiftDic">映射表</param>


网络技术和计算机技术发展至今,已经拥有了深厚的理论基础,并在现实中进行了充分运用,尤其是基于计算机运行的软件更是受到各界的关注。加上现在人们已经步入信息时代,所以对于信息的宣传和管理就很关键。因此医疗服务信息的管理计算机化,系统化是必要的。设计开发在线医疗服务系统不仅会节约人力和管理成本,还会安全保存庞大的数据量,对于医疗服务信息的维护和检索也不需要花费很多时间,非常的便利。 在线医疗服务系统是在MySQL中建立数据表保存信息,运用SSM框架和Java语言编写。并按照软件设计开发流程进行设计实现。系统具备友好性且功能完善。管理员管理医生,药品,预约挂号,购买订单以及用户病例等信息。医生管理坐诊信息,审核预约挂号,管理用户病例。用户查看医生坐诊,对医生预约挂号,在线购买药品。 在线医疗服务系统在让医疗服务信息规范化的同时,也能及时通过数据输入的有效性规则检测出错误数据,让数据的录入达到准确性的目的,进而提升在线医疗服务系统提供的数据的可靠性,让系统数据的错误率降至最低。 关键词:在线医疗服务系统;MySQL;SSM框架






BSC(Balanced Scorecard,平衡计分卡)是一种战略绩效管理系统,它将企业的绩效评估从传统的财务维度扩展到非财务领域,以提供更全面、深入的业绩衡量。在提供的文档中,BSC绩效考核指标主要分为两大类:财务类和客户类。 1. 财务类指标: - 部门费用的实际与预算比较:如项目研究开发费用、课题费用、招聘费用、培训费用和新产品研发费用,均通过实际支出与计划预算的百分比来衡量,这反映了部门在成本控制上的效率。 - 经营利润指标:如承保利润、赔付率和理赔统计,这些涉及保险公司的核心盈利能力和风险管理水平。 - 人力成本和保费收益:如人力成本与计划的比例,以及标准保费、附加佣金、续期推动费用等与预算的对比,评估业务运营和盈利能力。 - 财务效率:包括管理费用、销售费用和投资回报率,如净投资收益率、销售目标达成率等,反映公司的财务健康状况和经营效率。 2. 客户类指标: - 客户满意度:通过包装水平客户满意度调研,了解产品和服务的质量和客户体验。 - 市场表现:通过市场销售月报和市场份额,衡量公司在市场中的竞争地位和销售业绩。 - 服务指标:如新契约标保完成度、续保率和出租率,体现客户服务质量和客户忠诚度。 - 品牌和市场知名度:通过问卷调查、公众媒体反馈和总公司级评价来评估品牌影响力和市场认知度。 BSC绩效考核指标旨在确保企业的战略目标与财务和非财务目标的平衡,通过量化这些关键指标,帮助管理层做出决策,优化资源配置,并驱动组织的整体业绩提升。同时,这份指标汇总文档强调了财务稳健性和客户满意度的重要性,体现了现代企业对多维度绩效管理的重视。


管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


![【实战演练】俄罗斯方块:实现经典的俄罗斯方块游戏,学习方块生成和行消除逻辑。]( # 1. 俄罗斯方块游戏概述** 俄罗斯方块是一款经典的益智游戏,由阿列克谢·帕基特诺夫于1984年发明。游戏目标是通过控制不断下落的方块,排列成水平线,消除它们并获得分数。俄罗斯方块风靡全球,成为有史以来最受欢迎的视频游戏之一。 # 2.


卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network, CNN)在手势识别中是一种非常有效的机器学习模型。CNN特别适用于处理图像数据,因为它能够自动提取和学习局部特征,这对于像手势这样的空间模式识别非常重要。以下是使用CNN实现手势识别的基本步骤: 1. **输入数据准备**:首先,你需要收集或获取一组带有标签的手势图像,作为训练和测试数据集。 2. **数据预处理**:对图像进行标准化、裁剪、大小调整等操作,以便于网络输入。 3. **卷积层(Convolutional Layer)**:这是CNN的核心部分,通过一系列可学习的滤波器(卷积核)对输入图像进行卷积,以


"BSC资料.pdf" 战略地图是一种战略管理工具,它帮助企业将战略目标可视化,确保所有部门和员工的工作都与公司的整体战略方向保持一致。战略地图的核心内容包括四个相互关联的视角:财务、客户、内部流程和学习与成长。 1. **财务视角**:这是战略地图的最终目标,通常表现为股东价值的提升。例如,股东期望五年后的销售收入达到五亿元,而目前只有一亿元,那么四亿元的差距就是企业的总体目标。 2. **客户视角**:为了实现财务目标,需要明确客户价值主张。企业可以通过提供最低总成本、产品创新、全面解决方案或系统锁定等方式吸引和保留客户,以实现销售额的增长。 3. **内部流程视角**:确定关键流程以支持客户价值主张和财务目标的实现。主要流程可能包括运营管理、客户管理、创新和社会责任等,每个流程都需要有明确的短期、中期和长期目标。 4. **学习与成长视角**:评估和提升企业的人力资本、信息资本和组织资本,确保这些无形资产能够支持内部流程的优化和战略目标的达成。 绘制战略地图的六个步骤: 1. **确定股东价值差距**:识别与股东期望之间的差距。 2. **调整客户价值主张**:分析客户并调整策略以满足他们的需求。 3. **设定价值提升时间表**:规划各阶段的目标以逐步缩小差距。 4. **确定战略主题**:识别关键内部流程并设定目标。 5. **提升战略准备度**:评估并提升无形资产的战略准备度。 6. **制定行动方案**:根据战略地图制定具体行动计划,分配资源和预算。 战略地图的有效性主要取决于两个要素: 1. **KPI的数量及分布比例**:一个有效的战略地图通常包含20个左右的指标,且在四个视角之间有均衡的分布,如财务20%,客户20%,内部流程40%。 2. **KPI的性质比例**:指标应涵盖财务、客户、内部流程和学习与成长等各个方面,以全面反映组织的绩效。 战略地图不仅帮助管理层清晰传达战略意图,也使员工能更好地理解自己的工作如何对公司整体目标产生贡献,从而提高执行力和组织协同性。