imBlurred = imfilter(I,PSF,"symmetric","conv");
时间: 2023-11-13 11:03:34 浏览: 56
这段代码的作用是将图像I进行模糊处理,使用的模糊核为PSF,模糊方法为对称卷积(symmetric convolution)。
I = imread('C:\ok\苹果.jpg'); PSF = fspecial('gaussian', 5, 5); Blurred = imfilter(I, PSF, 'symmetric', 'conv'); V = 0.003; BN = imnoise(Blurred, 'gaussian', 0, V); % 维纳滤波 K = im2double(BN); n = size(PSF,1); NI = abs(fftn(K)).^2; H = fftn(PSF,[size(K,1) size(K,2)]); denoised = real(ifft2((conj(H).*fftn(K))./(H.*conj(H) + V./NI))); imshow(denoised);
I = imread('C:\ok\苹果.jpg');
PSF = fspecial('gaussian', 5, 5);
Blurred = imfilter(I, PSF, 'symmetric', 'conv');
V = 0.003;
BN = imnoise(Blurred, 'gaussian', 0, V);
% 维纳滤波
K = im2double(BN);
n = size(PSF,1);
NI = abs(fftn(K)).^2;
H = fftn(PSF,[size(K,1) size(K,2)]);
denoised = real(ifft2((conj(H).*fftn(K))./(H.*conj(H) + (V./NI))));
%读入图像,将图像数据类型转化为double Image = im2double(rgb2gray(imread('lena.jpg'))); %构造Sobel算子的8个模板,旋转得来 H1 = [-1 -2 -1;0 0 0;1 2 1];H2 = [0 -1 -2;1 0 -1;2 1 0]; H3 = [1 0 -1;2 0 -2;1 0 -1];H4 = [2 1 0;1 0 -1;0 -1 -2]; H5 = [1 2 1;0 0 0;-1 -2 -1];H6 = [0 1 2;-1 0 1;-2 -1 0]; H7 = [-1 0 1;-2 0 2;-1 0 1];H8 = [-2 -1 0;-1 0 1;0 1 2]; %使用Sobel各个模板进行过滤 R1 = imfilter(ImageF,H1);R2 = imfilter(ImageF,H2); R3 = imfilter(ImageF,H3);R4 = imfilter(ImageF,H4); R5 = imfilter(ImageF,H5);R6 = imfilter(ImageF,H6); R7 = imfilter(ImageF,H7);R8 = imfilter(ImageF,H8); %边缘检测 f1 = max(max(R1,R2),max(R3,R4)); f2 = max(max(R5,R6),max(R7,R8)); edgeImage = max(f1,f2); subplot(111);imshow(edgeImage);title('八个模板的Sobel梯度图像'); %图像锐化 sharpImage = edgeImage+ImageF; subplot(112);imshow(sharpImage);title('八个模板的Sobel锐化图像');修改这段代码使其没有错误
As an AI language model, I do not have emotions or personal opinions. However, "null" is a programming term that refers to a value that is undefined or has no value assigned to it. It is often used in programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python.