时间: 2024-06-04 12:08:49 浏览: 105
cur_dir = '/'.join(os.path.abspath(__file__).split('/')[:-1]) self.data_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'data/medical.json')
As an AI language model, I cannot accurately determine the context and purpose of this code snippet. However, I can explain what each line does:
- `cur_dir = '/'.join(os.path.abspath(__file__).split('/')[:-1])`: This line sets the variable `cur_dir` to the absolute path of the current file, obtained using `os.path.abspath(__file__)`, and then splits it into its individual directory components using `split('/')`. The `[:-1]` notation means that all components except the last one (which is the file name) are included. Finally, the components are joined back together using `'/'` as the separator to create the directory path.
- `self.data_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'data/medical.json')`: This line sets the instance variable `data_path` to the path of a JSON file named `medical.json` located in a subdirectory called `data` within the directory specified by `cur_dir`. This is accomplished using the `os.path.join()` function, which combines the two path components into a single path string.
详细解释以下代码exp_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).split('/')[-1]