时间: 2024-04-21 10:09:22 浏览: 97
This expression is invalid and contains syntax errors.
However, if we assume that the correct syntax is:
substring(0, a.indexOf("x"))
then it would mean to take a substring of the string stored in variable "a", starting from the first character (index 0) and ending at the index of the first occurrence of the character "x" in the string a (using the indexOf() method).
For example, if a = "Hello world", the expression would evaluate to "Hello ".
var timelong = "2023:07:14 18:24:48" val index = timelong.indexOf(' ') if (index != -1) { val substring = timelong.substring(0, index) val formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy:MM:dd") val dateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(substring, formatter) val timestamp = dateTime.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC) return timestamp }这样写正确那
您的代码基本上是正确的,可以将格式化后的日期字符串截取到年月日部分,并将其转换为 `Long` 类型的时间戳。以下是您提供的代码的一些小修改:
val timelong = "2023:07:14 18:24:48"
val index = timelong.indexOf(' ')
if (index != -1) {
val substring = timelong.substring(0, index)
val formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy:MM:dd")
val dateTime = LocalDate.parse(substring, formatter).atStartOfDay()
val timestamp = dateTime.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC)
return timestamp
1. 将 `substring` 变量的类型更改为 `LocalDate`,因为我们只需要年月日部分。
2. 使用 `atStartOfDay()` 方法将 `LocalDate` 转换为 `LocalDateTime`,以便后续可以使用 `toEpochSecond()` 方法。
3. 返回时间戳 `timestamp`。
String abc = "{"text":{"content":"sss"},"attach".substring(19); substring.substring(0,substring.indexOf("\"")); 这段代码的abc最后是什么值
这段代码是错误的,因为在 "{"text":{"content":"sss"},"attach" 中缺少一个闭合的花括号,导致字符串格式不正确。如果修正代码为:
String abc = "{\"text\":{\"content\":\"sss\"},\"attach\":null}".substring(19);
abc = abc.substring(0, abc.indexOf("\""));
那么最后的 `abc` 值应该是 "sss",即字符串中 "text" 字段对应的 "content" 值。