"STR R1, [R0]\n"
时间: 2024-06-17 17:00:43 浏览: 102
使用以下代码作为程序的开头。写一个程序找出最大和最小的数。最大和最小的数字需要分别保存在寄存器r7和r8中。对于ARMSim#,这些数字也需要显示在控制台和LCD屏幕上(使用Embest Board) 代入量) MOV r0, #0x00002000 MOV r1, #9 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #3 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #1 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #4 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #8 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #5 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #7 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #2 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #10 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #6 STR r1, [r0],#4
MOV r0, #0x00002000 ; 设置数组的起始地址
MOV r1, #9 ; 设置数组中元素的个数
LDR r2, [r0] ; 将数组中第一个元素读入r2
MOV r7, r2 ; 将r2的值设置为最大值
MOV r8, r2 ; 将r2的值设置为最小值
ADD r0, r0, #4 ; 将数组地址指向下一个元素
CMP r1, #0 ; 判断是否遍历完整个数组
BEQ end
LDR r2, [r0] ; 将数组中下一个元素读入r2
CMP r2, r7 ; 比较r2与当前最大值
BLE max_not_found ; 如果r2小于等于当前最大值,跳过该步骤
MOV r7, r2 ; 否则将r2的值设置为最大值
B check_min ; 跳转到检查最小值的步骤
CMP r2, r8 ; 比较r2与当前最小值
BGE check_min ; 如果r2大于等于当前最小值,跳过该步骤
MOV r8, r2 ; 否则将r2的值设置为最小值
ADD r0, r0, #4 ; 将数组地址指向下一个元素
SUB r1, r1, #1 ; 将剩余元素的个数减1
B loop ; 跳转回循环开始处
; 输出最大和最小值到控制台
MOV r0, #1 ; 将1设置为输出到控制台的文件描述符
LDR r1, =max_msg ; 加载要输出的字符串的地址
BL printf ; 调用printf函数输出字符串
MOV r0, #1 ; 将1设置为输出到控制台的文件描述符
MOV r1, r7 ; 将最大值的值设置为第一个参数
BL printf ; 调用printf函数输出最大值
MOV r0, #1 ; 将1设置为输出到控制台的文件描述符
LDR r1, =min_msg ; 加载要输出的字符串的地址
BL printf ; 调用printf函数输出字符串
MOV r0, #1 ; 将1设置为输出到控制台的文件描述符
MOV r1, r8 ; 将最小值的值设置为第一个参数
BL printf ; 调用printf函数输出最小值
; 输出最大和最小值到LCD屏幕(需要Embest Board)
MOV r0, #0x08000200 ; 将LCD屏幕的起始地址设置为r0
LDR r1, =max_msg_lcd ; 加载要输出的字符串的地址
BL lcd_print ; 调用lcd_print函数输出字符串
MOV r1, r7 ; 将最大值的值设置为第二个参数
BL lcd_print ; 调用lcd_print函数输出最大值
LDR r1, =min_msg_lcd ; 加载要输出的字符串的地址
BL lcd_print ; 调用lcd_print函数输出字符串
MOV r1, r8 ; 将最小值的值设置为第二个参数
BL lcd_print ; 调用lcd_print函数输出最小值
; 结束程序
B end_prog
max_msg: .asciz "The maximum value is %d\n"
min_msg: .asciz "The minimum value is %d\n"
max_msg_lcd: .asciz "Max: %d "
min_msg_lcd: .asciz "Min: %d "
该程序使用ARM汇编语言编写。它首先将数组的起始地址和元素数量加载到寄存器r0和r1中。然后它使用循环遍历数组中的所有元素,并在每次迭代中比较当前元素与最大值和最小值。最后,程序将最大值和最小值输出到控制台和LCD屏幕上。请注意,LCD输出需要使用Embest Board。如果您正在使用不同的开发板,请根据需要调整代码。
Use the following codes as the beginning of your program. Write a program to find the largest and smallest number. The largest and smallest number needs to be saved in register r7 and r8, respectively. For ARMSim#, these numbers also need to be displayed in the console and LCD screen (use the Embest Board Plug‐In). MOV r0, #0x00002000 MOV r1, #9 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #3 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #1 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #4 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #8 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #5 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #7 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #2 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #10 STR r1, [r0],#4 MOV r1, #6 STR r1, [r0],#4
Here is the code to find the largest and smallest number from the given set of numbers:
MOV r0, #0x00002000 ; Initialize pointer to first number
MOV r1, #9 ; Initialize counter with number of elements
LDR r7, [r0] ; Load first number as largest
LDR r8, [r0] ; Load first number as smallest
ADD r0, r0, #4 ; Move pointer to next number
LDR r2, [r0] ; Load the number in r2
CMP r7, r2 ; Compare largest with current number
MOVLT r7, r2 ; If current number is smaller, update largest
CMP r8, r2 ; Compare smallest with current number
MOVGT r8, r2 ; If current number is larger, update smallest
SUBS r1, r1, #1 ; Decrement counter
BNE Loop ; Loop until all numbers are compared
After executing this code, the largest number will be saved in register r7 and the smallest number will be saved in register r8. To display these numbers on the console and LCD screen, you can use the following code:
; Display largest number on console
MOV r0, #1 ; File descriptor for stdout
LDR r1, =largest ; Address of string to be displayed
MOV r2, #10 ; Length of string
MOV r7, #4 ; Syscall number for write
SWI 0 ; Call operating system
; Display largest number on LCD screen
LDR r0, =0x40020C14 ; Address of LCD data register
MOV r1, r7 ; Load largest number from r7
STR r1, [r0] ; Store the number in the LCD data register
; Display smallest number on console
MOV r0, #1 ; File descriptor for stdout
LDR r1, =smallest ; Address of string to be displayed
MOV r2, #12 ; Length of string
MOV r7, #4 ; Syscall number for write
SWI 0 ; Call operating system
; Display smallest number on LCD screen
LDR r0, =0x40020C14 ; Address of LCD data register
MOV r1, r8 ; Load smallest number from r8
STR r1, [r0] ; Store the number in the LCD data register
largest: .asciz "Largest number: %d\n"
smallest: .asciz "Smallest number: %d\n"
This code uses the ARM system call interface to display the numbers on the console and LCD screen. The largest and smallest numbers are loaded into registers r7 and r8, respectively, before calling the system call to display the numbers. The address of the LCD data register is loaded into register r0, and the number to be displayed is stored in the register using the STR instruction.