Sub Macro1() Dim erow As Integer, Fsbill As String, r As Variant erow = Sheets("汇总").[a65536].End(xlUp).Row + 1 Fsbill = Range("i7") If Application.CountIf(Sheets("汇总").Range("c:c"), Fsbill) > 0 Then MsgBox "采购单号" & Fsbill & " was already exists !!!!" Exit Sub End If For r = 19 To 24 If Cells(r, 2) <> "" Then Sheets("汇总").Cells(erow, 1) = Month(Cells(8, 9)) Sheets("汇总").Cells(erow, 2) = Cells(8, 9) Sheets("汇总").Cells(erow, 3) = Cells(7, 9) Sheets("汇总").Cells(erow, 4) = Cells(7, 3) Sheets("汇总").Cells(erow, 5) = Cells(9, 9) Sheets("汇总").Cells(erow, 6) = Cells(10, 9) Sheets("汇总").Cells(erow, 7) = Cells(r, 2) Sheets("汇总").Cells(erow, 8) = Cells(r, 4) Sheets("汇总").Cells(erow, 9) = Cells(r, 5) Sheets("汇总").Cells(erow, 10) = Cells(r, 6) Sheets("汇总").Cells(erow, 11) = Cells(r, 7) Sheets("汇总").Cells(erow, 12) = Cells(r, 8) erow = erow + 1 End If Next Sheets("汇总").Select MsgBox "OK" End Sub这段VBA代码的作用
时间: 2024-01-07 13:06:12 浏览: 96
1. 获取目标表格的插入行数,使新数据可以添加到表格的末尾。
2. 获取源表格中指定单元格的值,用于后面判断采购单号是否已存在。
3. 判断采购单号是否已存在于目标表格中,如果存在则弹出提示信息并退出代码。
4. 遍历源表格中指定的行,对于每一行,如果第二列不为空,则将该行的数据复制到目标表格的指定列中。
5. 将目标表格切换到“汇总”表格,并弹出提示信息“OK”。
/** * Katana1994 Macro */ function Katana1994() { Dim doc1 As Document Dim rng As Range Dim chapterStart As Long Dim chapterEnd As Long Dim chapterTitle As String Dim chapterIndex As Integer Dim newDoc As Document Set doc1 = ActiveDocument chapterIndex = 1 ' 遍历文档的每个段落 For i = 1 To doc.Paragraphs.Count Set rng = doc.Paragraphs(i).Range ' 检查段落是否为章节标题 If rng.Text Like "第*篇*" Or rng.Text Like "*、*" Then If chapterStart > 0 Then chapterEnd = rng.Start - 1 ' 选中章节内容 doc.Range(chapterStart, chapterEnd).Select ' 复制章节内容 Selection.Copy ' 创建新文档并粘贴章节内容 Set newDoc = Documents.Add newDoc.Content.Paste ' 保存新文档 newDoc.SaveAs "Chapter" & chapterIndex & " - " & chapterTitle & ".docx" newDoc.Close chapterIndex = chapterIndex + 1 End If ' 更新章节标题和起始位置 chapterTitle = rng.Text chapterStart = rng.End End If Next i } 纠正代码
1. 定义的过程名为 Katana1994(),但是在代码中使用了 doc 变量,应该将其改为 doc1。
2. 在 For 循环中,应该使用 doc1.Paragraphs.Count 而不是 doc.Paragraphs.Count。
3. 在 If 语句中,应该使用 rng.Text Like "第*篇*" 或者 rng.Text Like "*、*",而不是将它们写在一起。
4. 在创建新文档时,应该使用 Documents.Add() 而不是 Documents.Add。
5. 在保存新文档时,应该将文件名中的章节标题改为 chapterTitle。
Sub Katana1994()
Dim doc1 As Document
Dim rng As Range
Dim chapterStart As Long
Dim chapterEnd As Long
Dim chapterTitle As String
Dim chapterIndex As Integer
Dim newDoc As Document
Set doc1 = ActiveDocument
chapterIndex = 1
For i = 1 To doc1.Paragraphs.Count
Set rng = doc1.Paragraphs(i).Range
If rng.Text Like "第*篇*" Or rng.Text Like "*、*" Then
If chapterStart > 0 Then
chapterEnd = rng.Start - 1
doc1.Range(chapterStart, chapterEnd).Select
Set newDoc = Documents.Add()
newDoc.SaveAs "Chapter" & chapterIndex & " - " & chapterTitle & ".docx"
chapterIndex = chapterIndex + 1
End If
chapterTitle = rng.Text
chapterStart = rng.End
End If
Next i
End Sub
xlApp = win32com.client.DispatchEx('KET.Application') xlApp.Visible = False xlApp.DisplayAlerts = 0 xlBook_1 = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(pth) xlBook_1.Worksheets.Add().Name = 'AAA' xlmodule = xlBook_1.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(sheet_name) code = '''sub MyVBA() sheets(1).select range("A1")=55 end sub''' xlmodule.CodeModule.AddFromString(code.strip()) xlBook_1.Application.Run('我的模块.MyVBA') xlBook_1.Close(True) # 括号里就是不保存修改 xlBook_1.quit() # 退出进程 检查这段代码的bug
这段代码是用Python调用Excel的VBA Macro,在Excel中添加一个名为"AAA"的工作表,然后在该表中添加一个名为"我的模块"的VBA模块并将一段代码写入该模块。最后,Python运行该模块并保存工作簿。