在.csv数据集中包括固定的房间面积,朝向,日照时长,输入室外最高温,最低温,室内温度,室内人数等数据进行温度变化常数的模型预测,用灰狼优化算法对模型进行优化 python
时间: 2023-10-04 10:07:05 浏览: 116
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random
# 定义灰狼优化算法的类
class WOA:
def __init__(self, costFunc, dim, lb, ub, SearchAgents_no, Max_iter):
self.costFunc = costFunc # 代价函数
self.dim = dim # 变量维度
self.lb = lb # 变量下限
self.ub = ub # 变量上限
self.SearchAgents_no = SearchAgents_no # 灰狼个数
self.Max_iter = Max_iter # 最大迭代次数
# 初始化灰狼群
def initialization(self):
X = np.zeros((self.SearchAgents_no, self.dim))
for i in range(self.dim):
X[:, i] = np.random.uniform(self.lb[i], self.ub[i], self.SearchAgents_no)
return X
# 更新灰狼位置
def update_position(self, X, A, C, l):
for i in range(self.SearchAgents_no):
D_alpha = abs(C * A[:, 0] - X[i, :])
X1 = A[:, 0] - A[:, 1] * D_alpha
D_beta = abs(C * A[:, 2] - X[i, :])
X2 = A[:, 2] - A[:, 3] * D_beta
D_delta = abs(C * A[:, 4] - X[i, :])
X3 = A[:, 4] - A[:, 5] * D_delta
X_new = (X1 + X2 + X3) / 3
for j in range(self.dim):
if X_new[j] < self.lb[j]:
X_new[j] = (self.lb[j] + X[i, j]) / 2
if X_new[j] > self.ub[j]:
X_new[j] = (self.ub[j] + X[i, j]) / 2
X[i, :] = X_new
return X
# 灰狼优化算法主函数
def optimization(self):
# 初始化灰狼群
X = self.initialization()
# 计算每只灰狼的初始适应度
fitness = np.zeros(self.SearchAgents_no)
for i in range(self.SearchAgents_no):
fitness[i] = self.costFunc(X[i, :])
# 寻找最优灰狼
Best_pos = np.zeros(self.dim)
Best_score = float('inf')
for i in range(self.SearchAgents_no):
if fitness[i] < Best_score:
Best_pos = X[i, :]
Best_score = fitness[i]
# 迭代优化
for it in range(self.Max_iter):
# 计算当前迭代的动态参数A和C
a = 2 - it * (2 / self.Max_iter)
if a < 0.5:
a = 0.5
C = 2 * random.random()
# 选择三只灰狼作为“猎物”,一只作为“猎人”
idx_alpha = np.random.randint(0, self.SearchAgents_no)
idx_beta = np.random.randint(0, self.SearchAgents_no)
idx_delta = np.random.randint(0, self.SearchAgents_no)
for i in range(self.SearchAgents_no):
if i != idx_alpha and i != idx_beta and i != idx_delta:
# 更新灰狼位置
A = np.vstack([X[idx_alpha, :], X[idx_beta, :], X[idx_delta, :]])
X = self.update_position(X, A, C, a)
# 计算每只灰狼的适应度
fitness[i] = self.costFunc(X[i, :])
# 更新最优灰狼
for i in range(self.SearchAgents_no):
if fitness[i] < Best_score:
Best_pos = X[i, :]
Best_score = fitness[i]
# 输出当前迭代的最优解
print("Iteration: %d, Best_cost: %f" % (it + 1, Best_score))
return Best_pos, Best_score
# 读取.csv数据集
data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
# 定义代价函数
def costFunc(x):
# 从输入向量x中获取参数值
area = x[0]
orientation = x[1]
sunshine_duration = x[2]
outdoor_max_temp = x[3]
outdoor_min_temp = x[4]
indoor_population = x[5]
# 计算温度变化常数k
k = 0.001 * area * orientation * sunshine_duration / (outdoor_max_temp - outdoor_min_temp) / indoor_population
# 计算模型预测值
pred = data['室内温度'].iloc[0] + k * (outdoor_max_temp - data['室内温度'].iloc[0])
# 计算代价
cost = abs(pred - data['室内温度'].iloc[1])
return cost
# 定义搜索空间的上下限
dim = 6 # 变量维度
lb = [20, 0, 2, 20, -10, 1] # 下限
ub = [100, 360, 12, 40, 10, 10] # 上限
# 定义灰狼优化算法的参数
SearchAgents_no = 50 # 灰狼个数
Max_iter = 100 # 最大迭代次数
# 创建灰狼优化算法对象并运行
woa = WOA(costFunc, dim, lb, ub, SearchAgents_no, Max_iter)
best_pos, best_score = woa.optimization()
# 输出最优解和最优代价
print("Best_pos:", best_pos)
print("Best_score:", best_score)