写出以下代码的testbench module decode8(clk_50m,rst_n,c,seg,sel,out,led); input[4:0] c; input clk_50m,rst_n; output reg[6:0]out;//共阳,0点亮 output reg[7:0]seg;//共阴,1点亮 output reg[2:0]sel;//位选 output reg[3:0] led; reg[31:0] timer; reg clk_1hz; always@(posedge clk_50m) begin if(~rst_n) begin timer<=0;clk_1hz<=0;end else if(timer==32'd24)//仿真时可调小 begin timer<=0;clk_1hz<=~clk_1hz;end else begin timer<=timer+1;clk_1hz<=clk_1hz;end end always@(c) if(c[4]==0) begin case(c) 5'b00000:begin led=4'b0000; out =7'b1000000; end //0 5'b00001:begin led=4'b0001; out =7'b1111001; end //1 5'b00010:begin led=4'b0010; out =7'b0100100; end //2 5'b00011:begin led=4'b0011; out =7'b0110000; end //3 5'b00100:begin led=4'b0100; out =7'b0011001; end //4 5'b00101:begin led=4'b0101; out =7'b0010010; end //5 5'b00110:begin led=4'b0110; out =7'b0000010; end //6 5'b00111:begin led=4'b0111; out =7'b1111000; end //7 5'b01000:begin led=4'b1000; out =7'b0000000; end //8 5'b01001:begin led=4'b1001; out =7'b0010000; end //9 5'b01010:begin led=4'b1010; out =7'b0001000; end //A 5'b01011:begin led=4'b1011; out =7'b0000011; end //B 5'b01100:begin led=4'b1100; out =7'b1000110; end //C 5'b01101:begin led=4'b1101; out =7'b0010001; end //D 5'b01110:begin led=4'b1110; out =7'b0000110; end //E 5'b01111:begin led=4'b1111; out =7'b0001110; end //F default:begin led=4'b0000; out =7'b1111111; end endcase end else begin led =4'b0000; out =7'b1111111;end always@(posedge clk_1hz) if(c[4]==1) begin case(sel) 3'b000:begin sel =3'b001; seg =8'b01110110; end //H 3'b001:begin sel =3'b010; seg =8'b01111001; end //E 3'b010:begin sel =3'b011; seg =8'b00111000; end //L 3'b011:begin sel =3'b100; seg =8'b00111000; end //L 3'b100:begin sel =3'b101; seg =8'b00111111; end //0 default: begin sel =3'b000; seg=8'b00000000; end endcase end else seg=8'b00000000; endmodule
时间: 2023-06-27 21:04:28 浏览: 164
iic.rar_IIC 代码_i2c testbench_iic testbench_iic接口功能_www.165iic0m
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module decode8_tb;
// Inputs
reg clk_50m = 0;
reg rst_n = 0;
reg [4:0] c = 5'b00000;
// Outputs
wire [6:0] out;
wire [7:0] seg;
wire [2:0] sel;
wire [3:0] led;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
decode8 uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk_50m = 0;
rst_n = 0;
c = 5'b00000;
#100; // Wait 100 ns for reset to finish
// Reset
rst_n = 1;
// Testcase 1: Output should be 0
c = 5'b00000;
if(out !== 7'b1000000 || led !== 4'b0000) $display("Error in Testcase 1");
// Testcase 2: Output should be 1
c = 5'b00001;
if(out !== 7'b1111001 || led !== 4'b0001) $display("Error in Testcase 2");
// Testcase 3: Output should be 2
c = 5'b00010;
if(out !== 7'b0100100 || led !== 4'b0010) $display("Error in Testcase 3");
// Testcase 4: Output should be 3
c = 5'b00011;
if(out !== 7'b0110000 || led !== 4'b0011) $display("Error in Testcase 4");
// Testcase 5: Output should be 4
c = 5'b00100;
if(out !== 7'b0011001 || led !== 4'b0100) $display("Error in Testcase 5");
// Testcase 6: Output should be 5
c = 5'b00101;
if(out !== 7'b0010010 || led !== 4'b0101) $display("Error in Testcase 6");
// Testcase 7: Output should be 6
c = 5'b00110;
if(out !== 7'b0000010 || led !== 4'b0110) $display("Error in Testcase 7");
// Testcase 8: Output should be 7
c = 5'b00111;
if(out !== 7'b1111000 || led !== 4'b0111) $display("Error in Testcase 8");
// Testcase 9: Output should be 8
c = 5'b01000;
if(out !== 7'b0000000 || led !== 4'b1000) $display("Error in Testcase 9");
// Testcase 10: Output should be 9
c = 5'b01001;
if(out !== 7'b0010000 || led !== 4'b1001) $display("Error in Testcase 10");
// Testcase 11: Output should be A
c = 5'b01010;
if(out !== 7'b0001000 || led !== 4'b1010) $display("Error in Testcase 11");
// Testcase 12: Output should be B
c = 5'b01011;
if(out !== 7'b0000011 || led !== 4'b1011) $display("Error in Testcase 12");
// Testcase 13: Output should be C
c = 5'b01100;
if(out !== 7'b1000110 || led !== 4'b1100) $display("Error in Testcase 13");
// Testcase 14: Output should be D
c = 5'b01101;
if(out !== 7'b0010001 || led !== 4'b1101) $display("Error in Testcase 14");
// Testcase 15: Output should be E
c = 5'b01110;
if(out !== 7'b0000110 || led !== 4'b1110) $display("Error in Testcase 15");
// Testcase 16: Output should be F
c = 5'b01111;
if(out !== 7'b0001110 || led !== 4'b1111) $display("Error in Testcase 16");
// Testcase 17: Invalid input, output should be 1111111
c = 5'b11011;
if(out !== 7'b1111111 || led !== 4'b0000) $display("Error in Testcase 17");
// Testcase 18: Display H on the 1st segment
c = 5'b10000;
sel = 3'b000;
if(seg !== 8'b01110110) $display("Error in Testcase 18");
// Testcase 19: Display E on the 2nd segment
c = 5'b10000;
sel = 3'b001;
if(seg !== 8'b01111001) $display("Error in Testcase 19");
// Testcase 20: Display L on the 3rd segment
c = 5'b10000;
sel = 3'b010;
if(seg !== 8'b00111000) $display("Error in Testcase 20");
// Testcase 21: Display L on the 4th segment
c = 5'b10000;
sel = 3'b011;
if(seg !== 8'b00111000) $display("Error in Testcase 21");
// Testcase 22: Display 0 on the 5th segment
c = 5'b10000;
sel = 3'b100;
if(seg !== 8'b00111111) $display("Error in Testcase 22");
// Testcase 23: Invalid input, no segment should be active
c = 5'b11011;
sel = 3'b000;
if(seg !== 8'b00000000) $display("Error in Testcase 23");
always #10 clk_50m <= ~clk_50m;