20230320线性表-链式存储(编程题) 显示答案 一.论述题(共1题,100.0分) 1. 1)用单链表表示一元多项式,并实现一元多项式的输入和输出。 如:A(x)=5x9+8x7+3x2-12 2)在1)的基础上,建立一个函数,计算井返回一元多项式中一共有多少项数据, 3)在1)的基础上,建立一个函数,可以得到一元多项式中指数最大的系数并打印输出. 4)在1)的基础上,建立一个函数,输入系数和指数,如果元素存在,则册除之,否则打印出错信息 要求: 1)用C语言编写程序 2)上交运行结果界面截图。源代码的.c文件作为附件提交, 答案: 答案解折: 难度: 中 知识点: 线性表的链式存储
时间: 2023-05-24 12:02:39 浏览: 154
1) 单链表表示一元多项式,并实现输入输出功能:
typedef struct Node{ //链表结点
int coef; //系数
int expn; //指数
struct Node *next; //指向下一个结点的指针
}Node, *PtrToNode;
PtrToNode CreateList(){ //创建新链表
PtrToNode L = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); //头结点,不存储数据
L->next = NULL;
return L;
void Insert(PtrToNode L, int coef, int expn){ //在链表中插入新结点
PtrToNode p = L;
while(p->next != NULL && p->next->expn > expn){ //找到插入位置
p = p->next;
if(p->next != NULL && p->next->expn == expn){ //指数相同时合并同类项
p->next->coef += coef;
PtrToNode new_node = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); //新结点
new_node->coef = coef;
new_node->expn = expn;
new_node->next = p->next;
p->next = new_node;
void Print(PtrToNode L){ //输出链表
PtrToNode p = L->next;
while(p != NULL){
printf("%dx^%d ", p->coef, p->expn);
p = p->next;
if(p != NULL){
printf("+ ");
void Input(PtrToNode L){ //输入链表
int coef, expn;
printf("Input a polynomial (enter 0 0 to end the input):\n");
scanf("%d %d", &coef, &expn);
if(coef == 0 && expn == 0){
Insert(L, coef, expn);
int Length(PtrToNode L){ //计算链表长度
PtrToNode p = L->next;
int cnt = 0;
while(p != NULL){
p = p->next;
return cnt;
int MaxCoef(PtrToNode L){ //求最大系数并输出
PtrToNode p = L->next;
int max_coef = p->coef;
while(p != NULL){
if(p->coef > max_coef){
max_coef = p->coef;
p = p->next;
printf("The maximum coefficient is %d\n", max_coef);
return max_coef;
void Delete(PtrToNode L, int coef, int expn){ //删除结点
PtrToNode p = L->next, pre = L;
while(p != NULL){
if(p->coef == coef && p->expn == expn){
pre->next = p->next;
printf("Successfully delete %dx^%d\n", coef, expn);
pre = p;
p = p->next;
printf("Element %dx^%d does not exist.\n", coef, expn);
int main(){
PtrToNode L = CreateList();
printf("The polynomial entered is: ");
printf("The number of polynomial terms is: %d\n", Length(L));
int del_coef, del_expn;
printf("Enter the coefficient and exponent of the element to be deleted:\n");
scanf("%d %d", &del_coef, &del_expn);
Delete(L, del_coef, del_expn);
printf("The polynomial now is: ");
return 0;
2) 计算并返回一元多项式中一共有多少项数据:
int Length(PtrToNode L){
PtrToNode p = L->next;
int cnt = 0;
while(p != NULL){
p = p->next;
return cnt;
3) 得到一元多项式中指数最大的系数并打印输出:
int MaxCoef(PtrToNode L){
PtrToNode p = L->next;
int max_coef = p->coef;
while(p != NULL){
if(p->coef > max_coef){
max_coef = p->coef;
p = p->next;
printf("The maximum coefficient is %d\n", max_coef);
return max_coef;
4) 输入系数和指数,如果元素存在,则删除之,否则打印出错信息:
void Delete(PtrToNode L, int coef, int expn){
PtrToNode p = L->next, pre = L;
while(p != NULL){
if(p->coef == coef && p->expn == expn){
pre->next = p->next;
printf("Successfully delete %dx^%d\n", coef, expn);
pre = p;
p = p->next;
printf("Element %dx^%d does not exist.\n", coef, expn);