sstf磁盘调度算法 C++
时间: 2023-07-09 14:19:45 浏览: 103
下面是一个简单的 C++ 实现 Scheduling SSTF 磁盘调度算法的示例代码:
using namespace std;
int main()
int queue[20], q_size, head, seek = 0, max, diff;
float avg;
cout << "Enter the size of queue: ";
cin >> q_size;
cout << "Enter queue: ";
for(int i = 1; i <= q_size; i++)
cin >> queue[i];
cout << "Enter initial head position: ";
cin >> head;
queue[0] = head;
for(int j = 0; j <= q_size-1; j++)
diff = abs(queue[j+1] - queue[j]);
seek += diff;
cout << "Move from " << queue[j] << " to " << queue[j+1] << " with seek " << diff << endl;
cout << "\nTotal seek time = " << seek << endl;
avg = seek/(float)q_size;
cout << "Average seek time = " << avg << endl;
return 0;