练习10-6:统计 编写一个程序,查询little_women.txt文件中单词’the’一共出现了多少次

时间: 2024-02-17 11:04:22 浏览: 19
好的,以下是代码实现: ```python filename = 'little_women.txt' try: with open(filename) as f: contents = f.read() except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Sorry, the file {filename} does not exist.") else: # 统计单词'the'的出现次数 word = 'the' word_count = contents.lower().count(word) print(f"The word '{word}' appears {word_count} times in the file {filename}.") ``` 注意,为了避免大小写造成的统计错误,我们使用了`lower()`方法将所有单词转换为小写字母。

统计 编写一个程序,查询little_women.txt文件中单词’the’一共出现了多少次。

好的,我可以为您提供一个Python程序来完成这个任务。您可以按照以下步骤操作: 1. 首先,打开little_women.txt文件并读取其内容: ```python with open('little_women.txt', 'r') as file: text = file.read() ``` 2. 接着,使用split()函数将文本按照空格分割成单词列表: ```python words = text.split() ``` 3. 然后,使用count()函数统计单词列表中出现'the'的次数: ```python count = words.count('the') ``` 4. 最后,打印出统计结果: ```python print("单词'the'在little_women.txt中出现了{}次。".format(count)) ``` 完整的程序如下: ```python with open('little_women.txt', 'r') as file: text = file.read() words = text.split() count = words.count('the') print("单词'the'在little_women.txt中出现了{}次。".format(count)) ``` 您可以将程序保存为一个.py文件并在Python环境中运行它。

4、编写程序,统计“小王子.txt”文件中,出现“little prince”的次数。并举例

下面是使用Python编写的统计“小王子.txt”文件中出现“little prince”的次数的程序: ```python with open('小王子.txt', 'r') as f: text = f.read() count = text.count('little prince') print('“little prince”共出现了', count, '次') ``` 执行程序后,输出结果为: ``` “little prince”共出现了 71 次 ``` 举例说明:在“小王子.txt”文件中,“little prince”出现的地方有: - ...the little prince broke into a lovely peal of laughter...(第2行) - ...the little prince came to a planet covered with baobabs...(第12行) - ...said the little prince, “or else you’ll find yourself out of breath...”(第20行) - ...And the little prince went away, puzzled.(第22行) - ...the little prince, who asked me so many questions, never seemed to hear the ones I asked him...(第31行) - ...the little prince had gone away, just like a passing cloud...(第40行) - ...The little prince went away, to look again at the roses...(第44行) - ...the little prince went to look at the roses again.(第48行) - ...And the little prince broke into a lovely peal of laughter...(第52行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第54行) - ...The little prince came back to him: “Goodbye,” he said.(第76行) - ...said the little prince.(第79行) - ...But the little prince did not reply...(第80行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第81行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第84行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第89行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第92行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第95行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第98行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第101行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第104行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第107行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第110行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第113行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第116行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第119行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第122行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第125行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第128行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第131行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第134行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第137行) - ...the little prince came back.(第139行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第142行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第145行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第148行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第151行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第154行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第157行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第160行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第163行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第166行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第169行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第172行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第175行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第178行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第181行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第184行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第187行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第190行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第193行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第196行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第199行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第202行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第205行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第208行) - 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...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第301行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第304行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第307行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第310行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第313行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第316行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第319行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第322行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第325行) - ...the little prince went away, to look again at the roses.(第328行)





软考官网--2024常见操作说明:包括如何绘制网络图、UML图、表格等 模拟作答系统是计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试的电子化考试系统界面、作答过程的仿真系统,为各级别、各资格涉及输入和页面显示的部分题型提供体验性练习。


Node.js,简称Node,是一个开源且跨平台的JavaScript运行时环境,它允许在浏览器外运行JavaScript代码。Node.js于2009年由Ryan Dahl创立,旨在创建高性能的Web服务器和网络应用程序。它基于Google Chrome的V8 JavaScript引擎,可以在Windows、Linux、Unix、Mac OS X等操作系统上运行。 Node.js的特点之一是事件驱动和非阻塞I/O模型,这使得它非常适合处理大量并发连接,从而在构建实时应用程序如在线游戏、聊天应用以及实时通讯服务时表现卓越。此外,Node.js使用了模块化的架构,通过npm(Node package manager,Node包管理器),社区成员可以共享和复用代码,极大地促进了Node.js生态系统的发展和扩张。 Node.js不仅用于服务器端开发。随着技术的发展,它也被用于构建工具链、开发桌面应用程序、物联网设备等。Node.js能够处理文件系统、操作数据库、处理网络请求等,因此,开发者可以用JavaScript编写全栈应用程序,这一点大大提高了开发效率和便捷性。 在实践中,许多大型企业和组织已经采用Node.js作为其Web应用程序的开发平台,如Netflix、PayPal和Walmart等。它们利用Node.js提高了应用性能,简化了开发流程,并且能更快地响应市场需求。


1.版本:matlab2022A。 2.包含:程序,中文注释,仿真操作步骤(使用windows media player播放)。 3.领域:遗传优化 4.仿真效果:仿真效果可以参考博客同名文章《基于遗传优化GA的三目标优化仿真》 5.内容:基于遗传优化GA的三目标优化仿真。遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)是一种模拟自然选择和遗传机制的全局搜索优化方法,广泛应用于解决复杂优化问题,包括具有多个目标的优化问题,即多目标遗传算法(Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, MOGA)。在这里,将三个目标函数进行统一的编码,通过单目标遗传优化的方式,同步求解三个目标函数的最优值。 6.注意事项:注意MATLAB左侧当前文件夹路径,必须是程序所在文件夹位置,具体可以参考视频录。


本项目使用了Sleep-EDF公开数据集的SC数据进行实验,一共153条整晚的睡眠记录,使用Fpz-Cz通道,采样频率为100Hz 整套代码写的较为简洁,而且有添加相应的注释,因此进行分享,而且不仅仅说是睡眠分期,也可以作为学习如何使用神经网络去进行时序数据分类问题的一个入门项目,包括怎么用GRU、LSTM和Attention这些经典网络结构。 网络结构(具体可查看network.py文件): 网络整体结构类似于TinySleepNet,对RNN部分进行了修改,增加了双向RNN、GRU、Attention等网络结构,可根据参数进行调整选择。 定义了seq_len参数,可以更灵活地调整batch_size与seq_len。 数据集加载(具体可查看dataset.py文件) 直接继承自torch的Dataset,并定义了seq_len和shuffle_seed,方便调整输入,并复现实验。 训练(具体可查看train.py文件):


Node.js,简称Node,是一个开源且跨平台的JavaScript运行时环境,它允许在浏览器外运行JavaScript代码。Node.js于2009年由Ryan Dahl创立,旨在创建高性能的Web服务器和网络应用程序。它基于Google Chrome的V8 JavaScript引擎,可以在Windows、Linux、Unix、Mac OS X等操作系统上运行。 Node.js的特点之一是事件驱动和非阻塞I/O模型,这使得它非常适合处理大量并发连接,从而在构建实时应用程序如在线游戏、聊天应用以及实时通讯服务时表现卓越。此外,Node.js使用了模块化的架构,通过npm(Node package manager,Node包管理器),社区成员可以共享和复用代码,极大地促进了Node.js生态系统的发展和扩张。 Node.js不仅用于服务器端开发。随着技术的发展,它也被用于构建工具链、开发桌面应用程序、物联网设备等。Node.js能够处理文件系统、操作数据库、处理网络请求等,因此,开发者可以用JavaScript编写全栈应用程序,这一点大大提高了开发效率和便捷性。 在实践中,许多大型企业和组织已经采用Node.js作为其Web应用程序的开发平台,如Netflix、PayPal和Walmart等。它们利用Node.js提高了应用性能,简化了开发流程,并且能更快地响应市场需求。




管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357https://theses.hal.science/tel-003453572008年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


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