时间: 2023-11-28 07:49:20 浏览: 93
``` matlab
function [X,Y,Z] = draw_cylinder(p1,p2,r)
% p1: 3-element vector representing the first point
% p2: 3-element vector representing the second point
% r: radius of the cylinder
% X,Y,Z: output matrices for plotting
% calculate the axis and height of the cylinder
axis = p2 - p1;
h = norm(axis);
% calculate the angle between the axis and the z-axis
theta = acos(axis(3) / h);
% calculate the rotation matrix
R = vrrotvec2mat(vrrotvec([0 0 1], axis / h));
% generate the coordinates of a circle
theta_circ = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
x_circ = r * cos(theta_circ);
y_circ = r * sin(theta_circ);
% create the cylinder
[X_cyl,Y_cyl,Z_cyl] = cylinder(r, 100);
Z_cyl = Z_cyl * h;
% transform the cylinder to the correct orientation
for i = 1:numel(X_cyl)
p = [X_cyl(i); Y_cyl(i); Z_cyl(i)];
p = R * p;
X_cyl(i) = p(1) + p1(1);
Y_cyl(i) = p(2) + p1(2);
Z_cyl(i) = p(3) + p1(3);
% generate the end caps
[X_cap1,Y_cap1] = meshgrid(x_circ, y_circ);
Z_cap1 = zeros(size(X_cap1)) + p1(3);
[X_cap2,Y_cap2] = meshgrid(x_circ, y_circ);
Z_cap2 = zeros(size(X_cap2)) + p2(3);
% transform the end caps to the correct orientation
for i = 1:numel(X_cap1)
p1_cap = [X_cap1(i); Y_cap1(i); Z_cap1(i)];
p2_cap = [X_cap2(i); Y_cap2(i); Z_cap2(i)];
p1_cap = R * p1_cap;
p2_cap = R * p2_cap;
X_cap1(i) = p1_cap(1) + p1(1);
Y_cap1(i) = p1_cap(2) + p1(2);
Z_cap1(i) = p1_cap(3) + p1(3);
X_cap2(i) = p2_cap(1) + p2(1);
Y_cap2(i) = p2_cap(2) + p2(2);
Z_cap2(i) = p2_cap(3) + p2(3);
% combine the cylinder and end caps
X = [X_cyl, X_cap1, X_cap2];
Y = [Y_cyl, Y_cap1, Y_cap2];
Z = [Z_cyl, Z_cap1, Z_cap2];
% plot the cylinder
``` matlab
p1 = [0, 0, 0];
p2 = [1, 1, 1];
r = 0.5;
draw_cylinder(p1, p2, r);