count(case when(ope_category='Ship')then lot_id else null end) as LS

时间: 2024-03-11 07:50:33 浏览: 17
好的,你的问题是关于SQL语句中的计数功能。具体来说,你想知道这段代码的作用是什么: ``` count(case when(ope_category='Ship')then lot_id else null end) as LS ``` 这段代码的作用是统计表中ope_category='Ship'的记录数,并将其存储在一个名为LS的列中。其中,case when语句用于判断ope_category是否等于'Ship',如果是,则计数当前行的lot_id,否则计数null。最后,使用count函数对结果进行计数并将其存储在LS列中。

select lot_id, max(claim_time)claim_time, count(case when(ope_category='Ship')then lot_id else null end) as LS, count(case when(ope_category='Unship') then lot_id else null end) as LUS from f3rpt.F3_TB_DAILY_FABOUT where substr(lot_id,1,2) not in('CA','CW','ES','E0','EM') and lot_type = 'Production' AND LOT_ID NOT LIKE 'H%' and substr(lot_id,7,4)='.00F' and ope_category in ('Ship','Unship') and year(claim_time) = year(current date - 1 days) and month(claim_time) = month(current date - 1 days) group by lot_id) as a where LS - LUS > 0 ,以上sql如何优化

这个SQL语句中,可以优化的地方如下: 1. 在WHERE子句中,使用函数year()和month()可能导致索引失效,可以考虑将其改为claim_time的范围查询,如下所示: ``` AND claim_time >= DATE(current date - 1 month) AND claim_time < DATE(current date) ``` 2. 在COUNT函数中,使用CASE语句进行条件统计,可以改为使用SUM函数,如下所示: ``` SUM(CASE WHEN ope_category='Ship' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS LS SUM(CASE WHEN ope_category='Unship' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS LUS ``` 3. 在WHERE子句中,使用了聚合函数,将查询结果限制在LS-LUS>0的记录,这种方式不利于索引的使用,可以考虑使用HAVING子句,如下所示: ``` HAVING LS > LUS ``` 4. 在子查询中,只需要查询claim_time的最大值,可以使用MAX函数来代替ORDER BY和LIMIT 1子句,如下所示: ``` MAX(claim_time) AS claim_time ``` 综上所述,优化后的SQL语句如下: ``` SELECT lot_id, MAX(claim_time) AS claim_time, SUM(CASE WHEN ope_category='Ship' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS LS, SUM(CASE WHEN ope_category='Unship' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS LUS FROM f3rpt.F3_TB_DAILY_FABOUT WHERE substr(lot_id,1,2) NOT IN ('CA','CW','ES','E0','EM') AND lot_type = 'Production' AND LOT_ID NOT LIKE 'H%' AND substr(lot_id,7,4)='.00F' AND ope_category IN ('Ship','Unship') AND claim_time >= DATE(current date - 1 month) AND claim_time < DATE(current date) GROUP BY lot_id HAVING LS > LUS; ```

SELECT lot_id, max(claim_time) claim_time, count( case when (open_category= 'Ship') then lot_id else null end ) as LS, COUNT( case when (ope_category = "Unship") then lot_id else null end ) as LUS FROM f3rpt.F3_TB_DAILY_FABOUT WHERE SUBSTR(lot_id,1,2) not in ('CA','CW','ES','EO','EM') AND lot_type ='Production' and lot_id not like 'H%' and SUBSTR(lot_id,7,4) = '.00F' and ope_category in ('Ship','Unship') and YEAR(claim_time) = YEAR(current date -1 days) and month(claim_time) = month (current date -1 days) group by lot_id 请优化下这条sql

这个 SQL 查询中有一些可以优化的地方,以下是优化建议: 1. 使用别名缩短代码长度并提高可读性。 2. 使用 EXISTS 或者 INNER JOIN 来代替子查询,以提高查询效率。 3. 使用 BETWEEN 来代替 YEAR 和 MONTH 函数的组合使用,以提高查询效率。 4. 使用 IN 来代替多个 OR 条件的组合使用,以提高查询效率。 5. 删除无用的 else null,简化代码。 优化后的 SQL 查询如下所示: SELECT lot_id, MAX(claim_time) AS claim_time, COUNT(CASE WHEN open_category = 'Ship' THEN lot_id END) AS LS, COUNT(CASE WHEN ope_category = 'Unship' THEN lot_id END) AS LUS FROM f3rpt.F3_TB_DAILY_FABOUT t1 WHERE SUBSTR(lot_id, 1, 2) NOT IN ('CA', 'CW', 'ES', 'EO', 'EM') AND lot_type = 'Production' AND lot_id NOT LIKE 'H%' AND SUBSTR(lot_id, 7, 4) = '.00F' AND ope_category IN ('Ship', 'Unship') AND claim_time BETWEEN DATE('now', '-1 day', 'start of month') AND DATE('now', '-1 day', 'start of month', '+1 month', '-1 day') GROUP BY lot_id;


select lot_hs.lot_id as lot_id,lot_type,lot_hs.mainpd_id, created_time,COMPLETE_TIME, value(bank.banktime,0) as banktime , round ( ( 1.00*(days(COMPLETE_TIME)-days(created_time)) + (hour(COMPLETE_TIME)-hour(created_time))*1.00/24 + (minute(COMPLETE_TIME)-minute(created_time))*1.00/24/60 + (second(COMPLETE_TIME)-second(created_time))1.00/24/60/60) - value(bank.banktime,0),3) as use_days, customer_id, coalesce(cc.cust_id_define,lot_hs.customer_id) as cust_id2, cc.cycletime_target as ct_target, date,layer, round(count() over(partition by coalesce(cc.cust_id_define,lot_hs.customer_id),cc.cycletime_target)*0.9,0) cnt, row_number() over(partition by coalesce(cc.cust_id_define,lot_hs.customer_id),cc.cycletime_target order by ( ( days(COMPLETE_TIME)-days(created_time) + (hour(COMPLETE_TIME)-hour(created_time))*1.00/24 + (minute(COMPLETE_TIME)-minute(created_time))*1.00/24/60 + (second(COMPLETE_TIME)-second(created_time))*1.00/24/60/60) - value(bank.banktime,0))/layer) id From (select date(a.claim_time) as date, a.lot_id, a.lot_type,a.mainpd_id,a.prodspec_id,a.custprod_id, case when(date(b.created_time) <= '2009-01-05') then b.created_time + 21 days else b.created_time end as created_time, CASE WHEN A.CUST_id in ('MCA','NPA','SET') THEN a.COMPLETE_TIME ELSE a.COMPLETE_TIME END COMPLETE_TIME, a.cust_id as customer_id, a.ope_category, c.layer From f3rpt.F3_TB_DAILY_FABOUT a, f3rpt.fvlot b, (select mainpd_id, sum(masks)layer from f3rpt.ASMCRPT_VW_MAINPD_MASKS_ALL group by mainpd_id) as c, (select * from (select lot_id, max(claim_time)claim_time, count(case when(ope_category='Ship')then lot_id else null end) as LS, count(case when(ope_category='Unship') then lot_id else null end) as LUS from f3rpt.F3_TB_DAILY_FABOUT where substr(lot_id,1,2) not in('CA','CW','ES','E0','EM') and lot_type = 'Production' AND LOT_ID NOT LIKE 'H%' and substr(lot_id,7,4)='.00F' and ope_category in ('Ship','Unship') and year(claim_time) = year(current date - 1 days) and month(claim_time) = month(current date - 1 days) group by lot_id) as a where LS - LUS > 0 ) as lot Where a.lot_id = b.lot_id and b.mainpd_id = c.mainpd_id and a.lot_id = lot.LOT_ID and a.claim_time = lot.claim_time and a.ope_category = 'Ship' and a.cust_id in ('SM','BOE','GSC','NPA','GTA') ) as lot_hs left outer join (select lot_id,max(bankin_time) banktime from f3rpt.asmc_dpm where bankin_time>0 group by lot_id) bank on (lot_hs.lot_id = bank.lot_id) left join f3cim.f3cim_cfg_cust_rule cc on case when lot_hs.customer_id='WXM' THEN 'WII'||SUBSTR(lot_hs.mainpd_id,6,1) else lot_hs.customer_id end = cc.cust_id and locate(cc.mainpd_id,lot_hs.mainpd_id)>0 and locate(cc.prodspec_id,lot_hs.prodspec_id)>0 and locate(cc.custprod_id_45,substr(lot_hs.custprod_id,3,3))>0 where lot_hs.ope_category = 'Ship' ;以上sql如何优化










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