ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'open3d.core'
时间: 2023-10-30 07:03:24 浏览: 488
pip install open3d
import open3d.core
Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\pythonProject\", line 1, in <module> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
引用\[1\]:Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 2, in <module> import pandas ImportError: No module named pandas 。 引用\[2\]:安装完后执行python,遇到如下问题: traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 5, in <module> import cv2 File "/root/anaconda3/envs/python367/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cv2/", line 5, in <module> from .cv2 import * ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 。 引用\[3\]: 然后安装requiremens.txt,yolov5 4.0版本要求如下: # base ---------------------------------------- matplotlib>=3.2.2 numpy>=1.18.5 opencv-python>=4.1.2 Pillow PyYAML>=5.3.1 scipy>=1.4.1 torch>=1.7.0 torchvision>=0.8.1 tqdm>=4.41.0 # logging ------------------------------------- tensorboard>=2.4.1 # wandb # plotting ------------------------------------ seaborn>=0.11.0 pandas # export -------------------------------------- # coremltools>=4.1 # onnx>=1.8.1 # scikit-learn==0.19.2 # for coreml quantization # extras -------------------------------------- thop # FLOPS computation pycocotools>=2.0 # COCO mAP 。 问题:Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\pythonProject\", line 1, in <module> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
回答: 根据您提供的引用内容,问题出现在导入matplotlib.pyplot时。根据引用\[1\],错误信息显示没有找到pandas模块。这可能是因为您的环境中没有安装pandas模块。您可以尝试使用pip install pandas命令来安装pandas模块。另外,根据引用\[2\],错误信息显示找不到共享对象文件。这可能是由于缺少库文件导致的。您可以尝试安装相应的库文件来解决此问题。最后,根据引用\[3\],要使用matplotlib.pyplot,您需要确保已安装了matplotlib模块。您可以使用pip install matplotlib命令来安装matplotlib模块。如果问题仍然存在,请确保您的环境中已正确安装了所有所需的依赖项。
#### 引用[.reference_title]
- *1* [Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 2, in <module> import pandas ImportErr]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^control,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item]
- *2* *3* [When YoloV5 Meets Raccoon:手把手用Yolov5(v4.0)制作一个小浣熊捕捉apk]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^control,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item]
[ .reference_list ]
No module named 'jupyter_contrib_core'
This error message suggests that the required module "jupyter_contrib_core" is missing from your Python environment. To resolve this error, you can try installing the module using pip, which is a package manager for Python. To do this, open a command prompt or terminal window and enter the following command:
pip install jupyter_contrib_core
This should install the module and allow you to use it in your Jupyter notebooks. If you continue to encounter issues, you may need to check that your Python environment is properly configured and that your Jupyter installation is up-to-date.