详解这句代码:srctree := $(if $(KBUILD_SRC),$(KBUILD_SRC),$(CURDIR))
时间: 2023-06-08 07:09:06 浏览: 190
这段代码是一个 makefile 中的语句,主要作用是定义变量 srctree。如果变量 KBUILD_SRC 存在,则将它赋值给 srctree;否则将当前目录的路径赋值给 srctree。
具体来说,这段代码使用了 makefile 中的 if-else 语句。如果 KBUILD_SRC 存在,则 if 语句的结果为真,将 KBUILD_SRC 的值赋给 srctree;否则 if 语句的结果为假,将当前目录的路径赋给 srctree。
这段代码的作用是为了让 makefile 能够在不同的环境中正确地找到源代码树的路径,从而能够顺利地进行编译和构建工作。
kbuild-dir := $(if $(filter /%,$(src)),$(src),$(srctree)/$(src))
kbuild-dir := $(if $(filter /%,$(src)),$(src),$(srctree)/$(src)) explain the grammar points in this sentence
This sentence is a makefile statement that sets the variable `kbuild-dir` based on some conditions.
- The variable `kbuild-dir` is being assigned a value using `:=` which is the immediate assignment operator. This means that the assignment will be evaluated immediately rather than at the time of use.
- The `if` statement is used to check for a condition. In this case, it is checking if the string `'/%'` is contained in the `$(src)` variable. If it is true, then the `$(src)` variable is assigned to `kbuild-dir`.
- If the `if` condition is not true, then the `$(srctree)/$(src)` is assigned to `kbuild-dir`.
- The `$()` syntax is used to reference makefile variables, and in this case, the variables being referenced are `src` and `srctree`.
- The backslash is used to continue the statement on the next line.
Overall, this statement is setting the `kbuild-dir` variable to either the value of `src` or the concatenation of `srctree` and `src`, depending on the condition.