时间: 2024-06-13 18:08:26 浏览: 252
# 进程类
class Process:
def __init__(self, name, arrive_time, service_time):
self.name = name # 进程名
self.arrive_time = arrive_time # 到达时间
self.service_time = service_time # 服务时间
self.start_time = 0 # 开始时间
self.finish_time = 0 # 完成时间
self.turnaround_time = 0 # 周转时间
self.weight_turnaround_time = 0 # 带权周转时间
self.remain_time = service_time # 剩余服务时间
# 时间片轮转调度算法
def RR(processes):
time = 0 # 当前时间
queue = [] # 就绪队列
finished = [] # 完成队列
current_process = None # 当前正在执行的进程
while len(finished) < len(processes):
# 将到达时间小于等于当前时间的进程加入就绪队列
for process in processes:
if process.arrive_time <= time and process not in queue and process not in finished:
# 如果当前没有进程在执行,则从就绪队列中选取一个进程开始执行
if not current_process:
if queue:
current_process = queue.pop(0)
current_process.start_time = time
# 执行当前进程1个时间片
current_process.remain_time -= 1
time += 1
# 如果当前进程已经执行完毕,则将其加入完成队列,并从就绪队列中选取一个进程开始执行
if current_process.remain_time == 0:
current_process.finish_time = time
current_process.turnaround_time = current_process.finish_time - current_process.arrive_time
current_process.weight_turnaround_time = current_process.turnaround_time / current_process.service_time
current_process = None
if queue:
current_process = queue.pop(0)
current_process.start_time = time
# 如果当前进程的剩余服务时间大于0且时间片已经用完,则将其加入就绪队列,并从就绪队列中选取一个进程开始执行
elif current_process.remain_time > 0 and time % 1 == 0:
current_process = None
if queue:
current_process = queue.pop(0)
current_process.start_time = time
# 输出结果
total_turnaround_time = 0
total_weight_turnaround_time = 0
for process in processes:
print("{}\t{}\t\t{}\t\t{}\t\t{}\t\t{}\t\t{:.2f}".format(process.name, process.arrive_time, process.service_time, process.start_time, process.finish_time, process.turnaround_time, process.weight_turnaround_time))
total_turnaround_time += process.turnaround_time
total_weight_turnaround_time += process.weight_turnaround_time
print("平均周转时间:{:.2f}".format(total_turnaround_time / len(processes)))
print("平均带权周转时间:{:.2f}".format(total_weight_turnaround_time / len(processes)))
# 创建进程列表
processes = [Process('A', 0, 5), Process('B', 1, 4), Process('C', 2, 2), Process('D', 3, 1), Process('E', 4, 4)]
# 调用时间片轮转调度算法
进程名 到达时间 服务时间 开始时间 完成时间 周转时间 带权周转时间
A 0 5 0 10 10 2.00
B 1 4 11 15 14 3.50
C 2 2 16 18 16 8.00
D 3 1 19 20 17 17.00
E 4 4 21 25 21 5.25