if (loginUser.getRoles().stream().anyMatch(dto -> dto.equals(" SecurityDepartment")))
时间: 2024-05-19 08:14:09 浏览: 128
This code checks if the loginUser object has a role called "SecurityDepartment". The getRoles() method returns a list of roles that the user has, and the stream() method is used to iterate over the list. The anyMatch() method checks if any of the roles in the list match the "SecurityDepartment" role. If there is a match, the code inside the if statement will be executed.
servlet如何获取${loginUser.username}(JSP EL表达式
在servlet中获取JSP EL表达式${loginUser.username}的值,可以通过request.getAttribute("loginUser.username")方法来实现。具体步骤如下:
1. 在JSP页面中,使用EL表达式${loginUser.username}获取username属性的值。
2. 在servlet中,使用request对象获取username属性的值。代码如下:
String username = (String) request.getAttribute("loginUser.username");
注意:JSP EL表达式中的点号"."在servlet中需要替换为下划线"_",即将"loginUser.username"替换为"loginUser_username"。
// 获取loginUser对象
User loginUser = (User) request.getAttribute("loginUser");
// 获取username属性的值
String username = loginUser.getUsername();