function [ yuvimg ] = BUPT_format_converter() % Title: This function convert an image from colour to grey scale % Image created by Yun Bo % Convert matrix T = [0.257 0.504 0.098; -0.148 -0.291 0.439; 0.439 -0.368 -0.071]; %offset matrix offset = [16;128;128]; % read the rgb image and seperate R G B [I,w,h,level]=ppmread('./test_images/Lena512C_ASCII2014.ppm'); I=double(I); R=I(:,:,1); G=I(:,:,2); B=I(:,:,3); %map between RGB and YUV Y = T(1,1) .* R + T(1,2) .* G + T(1,3) .* B + offset(1); U = T(2,1) .* R + T(2,2) .* G + T(2,3) .* B + offset(2); V = T(3,1) .* R + T(3,2) .* G + T(3,3) .* B + offset(3); %get YVU output yuvimg = cat(3,Y,U,V); imwrite(yuvimg(:,:,1),'Lena_Y.jpg'); figure,imshow(yuvimg(:,:,1)); imwrite(yuvimg,'Lena_YUV.jpg'); figure,imshow(yuvimg); %transform YVU to RGB again Y=double(Y); U=double(U); V=double(V); RR = 1.164*(Y-16)+1.596*(V-128); GG = 1.164*(Y-16)-0.813*(V-128)-0.391*(U-128); BB = 1.164*(Y-16)+2.018*(U-128); RR = uint8(round(RR)); GG = uint8(round(GG)); BB = uint8(round(BB)); rgbimg = cat(3,RR,GG,BB); imwrite(rgbimg,'Lena_RGB.jpg'); figure,imshow(rgbimg); end这个代码无法显示yuvimg与yuvimg(:,:,1)),请帮我修改一下
时间: 2023-09-06 13:12:20 浏览: 116
imshow(yuvimg(:,:,1), [0 255]);
title('Y Component of YUV Image');
figure, imshow(yuvimg);
title('YUV Image');
imshow(yuvimg(:,:,1), [0 255]);
title('Y Component of YUV Image');
在imshow函数中,[0 255]表示显示的范围为0到255。
function [ yuvimg ] = BUPT_format_converter() % Title: This function convert an image from colour to grey scale % Image created by Yun Bo % Convert matrix T = [0.257 0.504 0.098; -0.148 -0.291 0.439; 0.439 -0.368 -0.071]; %offset matrix offset = [16;128;128]; % read the rgb image and seperate R G B [I,w,h,level]=ppmread('./test_images/Lena512C_ASCII2014.ppm'); I=double(I); R=I(:,:,1); G=I(:,:,2); B=I(:,:,3); %map between RGB and YUV Y = T(1,1) .* R + T(1,2) .* G + T(1,3) .* B + offset(1); U = T(2,1) .* R + T(2,2) .* G + T(2,3) .* B + offset(2); V = T(3,1) .* R + T(3,2) .* G + T(3,3) .* B + offset(3); %get YVU output yuvimg = cat(3,Y,U,V); imwrite(yuvimg(:,:,1),'Lena_Y.jpg'); figure,imshow(yuvimg(:,:,1)); imwrite(yuvimg,'Lena_YUV.jpg'); figure,imshow(yuvimg); %transform YVU to RGB again Y=double(Y); U=double(U); V=double(V); RR = 1.164*(Y-16)+1.596*(V-128); GG = 1.164*(Y-16)-0.813*(V-128)-0.391*(U-128); BB = 1.164*(Y-16)+2.018*(U-128); RR = uint8(round(RR)); GG = uint8(round(GG)); BB = uint8(round(BB)); rgbimg = cat(3,RR,GG,BB); imwrite(rgbimg,'Lena_RGB.jpg'); figure,imshow(rgbimg); end帮我解释这个代码
1. 读取一个PPM格式的彩色图片,将其R、G、B通道分别提取出来。
2. 利用一个3x3的矩阵T和一个3x1的偏移矩阵offset,将R、G、B三个通道的像素值转换为YUV格式的像素值。其中,Y表示亮度分量,U和V分别表示色度分量。
3. 将Y、U、V三个通道的像素值组合成一个三维的YUV图像yuvimg,并将其保存为文件,并显示出来。
4. 将YUV图像yuvimg转换回RGB格式的图像,具体的转换公式如下:
RR = 1.164*(Y-16)+1.596*(V-128);
GG = 1.164*(Y-16)-0.813*(V-128)-0.391*(U-128);
BB = 1.164*(Y-16)+2.018*(U-128);
5. 将RGB图像rgbimg保存为文件,并显示出来。
function image=BUPT_readPGM(filename, format) fid = fopen(filename, 'r'); file_format = fgetl(fid); % Check the file format if ~strcmp(file_format, format) error('Invalid file format'); end % Skip the comments line = fgetl(fid); while line(1) == '#' line = fgetl(fid); end % Read image dimensions dimensions = sscanf(line, '%d'); width = dimensions(1); height = dimensions(2); % Skip the maximum gray value line fgetl(fid); % Read the image data if strcmp(format, 'P2') % ASCII format (P2) image = fscanf(fid, '%d', [width, height])'; elseif strcmp(format, 'P5') % Binary format (P5) image = fread(fid, [width, height], 'uint8')'; else error('Unsupported file format'); end fclose(fid); image = uint8(image); % Convert image to uint8 data type end