Property or method "adderss" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
时间: 2023-09-02 13:15:45 浏览: 122
这错误通常是因为在 Vue 实例中没有定义 `address` 属性,但是在模板中却引用了 `address` 属性。请检查你的代码,确保在 Vue 实例中定义了 `address` 属性,例如:
<p>{{ address }}</p>
export default {
data() {
return {
address: '123 Main St'
如果 `address` 属性是从父组件传递下来的,那么你需要使用 `props` 来声明它,例如:
<p>{{ address }}</p>
export default {
props: {
address: String
改写一下这段代码,使得寄存器地址支持16bit读写,现在这段是只支持8bit读写://FSM always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst) if (~rst) i2c_state<=3'b000;//idle else i2c_state<= next_i2c_state; //////////Modified on 25 november.write Address is 30H; Read Address is 31H///// always @(i2c_state or stopf or startf or cnt or sft or sadr or hf or scl_neg or cnt) case(i2c_state) 3'b000: //This state is the initial state,idle state begin if (startf)next_i2c_state<= 3 b001;//start else next_i2c_state <= i2c_state; end 3b001://This state is the device address detect & trigger begin if(stopf)next_i2c_state<=3'b000; else begin if((cnt==4'h9)&&({sft[0],hf} ==2'b00) && (scl_neg ==1'b1)&&(sadr ==sft[7:1])) next i2c_ state<=3'b010;//write: i2c adderss is 00110000 and ACK is sampled //so {sft[0],hf} is 2'b00 else if ((cnt==4'h9)&&({sft[0],hf} ==2'b10) && (scl_neg ==1'b1)&&(sadr ==sft[7:1])) next i2c_ state<=3'b011;//read:i2c adderss is 00110001 and ACK is sampled //so {sft[0],hf} is 2'b10 else if((cnt ==4'h9) && (scl_neg == 1'b1)) next_ i2c_state<=3 'b000;//when the address accepted does not match the SADR, //the state comes back else next_i2c_state<=i2c_state; end end 3'b010: //This state is the register address detect &&trigger begin if (stopf)next_i2c_state<=3'b000; else if (startf)next_i2c_state<=3'b001; else if ((cnt ==4'h9) && (scl_neg == 1'b1)) next_i2c _state<=3'b10 else next i2c_state<=i2c_state; end 3'b011: //This state is the register data read begin if (stopf)next_i2c _state<=3'b000; else if (startf) next_i2c _state<=3'b001; else next_12c_state<=i2c_state; end 3'b100: //This state is the register data write begin if (stopf)next_i2c _state<=3'b000; else if (startf) next_i2c _state<=3b001; else next_i2c_state<=i2c_state; end default://safe mode control next_i2c_state <= 3'b000; endcase
//FSM always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst) if (~rst) i2c_state<=3'b000;//idle else i2c_state<= next_i2c_state; //////////Modified on 25 november.write Address is 30H; Read Address is 31H///// always @(i2c_state or stopf or startf or cnt or sft or sadr or hf or scl_neg or cnt) case(i2c_state) 3'b000: //This state is the initial state,idle state begin if (startf)next_i2c_state<= 3 b001;//start else next_i2c_state <= i2c_state; end 3b001://This state is the device address detect & trigger begin if(stopf)next_i2c_state<=3'b000; else begin if((cnt==4'h9)&&({sft[0],hf} ==2'b00) && (scl_neg ==1'b1)&&(sadr ==sft[15:2])) next i2c_ state<=3'b010;//write: i2c adderss is 00110000 and ACK is sampled //so {sft[0],hf} is 2'b00 else if ((cnt==4'h9)&&({sft[0],hf} ==2'b10) && (scl_neg ==1'b1)&&(sadr ==sft[15:2])) next i2c_ state<=3'b011;//read:i2c adderss is 00110001 and ACK is sampled //so {sft[0],hf} is 2'b10 else if((cnt ==4'h9) && (scl_neg == 1'b1)) next_ i2c_state<=3 'b000;//when the address accepted does not match the SADR, //the state comes back else next_i2c_state<=i2c_state; end end 3'b010: //This state is the register address detect &&trigger begin if (stopf)next_i2c_state<=3'b000; else if (startf)next_i2c_state<=3'b001; else if ((cnt ==4'h9) && (scl_neg == 1'b1)) next_i2c _state<=3'b10 else next i2c_state<=i2c_state; end 3'b011: //This state is the register data read begin if (stopf)next_i2c _state<=3'b000; else if (startf) next_i2c _state<=3'b001; else next_12c_state<=i2c_state; end 3'b100: //This state is the register data write begin if (stopf)next_i2c _state<=3'b000; else if (startf) next_i2c _state<=3b001; else next_i2c_state<=i2c_state; end default://safe mode control next_i2c_state <= 3'b000; endcase
1. 在设备地址检测&触发状态中,将设备地址的位数扩展到16位,即将sft[7:1]修改为sft[15:2]。
2. 在写寄存器地址检测&触发状态中,同样将地址的位数扩展到16位。
3. 在读寄存器数据状态和写寄存器数据状态中,没有需要修改的地方。
ListView{ id:listView anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right row.bottom anchors.bottom: parent.bottom clip: true spacing:0 snapMode: ListView.SnapToItem ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar{ id:ver_scrollbar visible:true } model: ListModel{ id:listModel ListElement{ time:"2021-03-12\n12:21:31" floor:1 } } delegate: Rectangle{ id:infoRec implicitHeight: 640 implicitWidth: 480 width: listView.width height: 120 Rectangle{ id:dim anchors.fill: parent color: "grey" opacity: 0.3 z:300 visible: tableItem.hightLightIndex == index } //显示时间与层数的 Rectangle { id: timeRec width: parent.width color: index % 2?tableItem.evenRowColor:tableItem.oddRowColor anchors.left: parent.left anchors.topMargin: floorRec.height anchors.bottom: parent.bottom Text { id: timeText text: { (time === undefined?errorStr:time)+" "+(floor === undefined?errorStr:floor) } property var adderss : adderss anchors.fill: parent color: "#002949" font.pixelSize: tableItem.timeFontPixelSize tableItem.contentFontFamily horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere clip: true } } } }添加点击事件
要给 ListView 中的 delegate 添加点击事件,需要在 delegate 元素中添加 MouseArea 元素,并设置其属性来响应鼠标点击事件。例如,可以在 Rectangle 元素中添加一个 MouseArea 元素,设置其 anchors.fill: parent,使其与 Rectangle 元素大小相同,并设置其 onClicked 信号来响应鼠标点击事件,如下所示:
delegate: Rectangle {
id: infoRec
implicitHeight: 640
implicitWidth: 480
width: listView.width
height: 120
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
// 处理鼠标点击事件
console.log("Item clicked:", index, time, floor);
// 其他元素的定义...
在 MouseArea 的 onClicked 信号中,可以调用 JavaScript 函数或执行其他操作来处理鼠标点击事件。其中的 index、time、floor 等变量可以通过 ListView 的 model 属性来获取。