private final static
时间: 2023-04-19 21:01:58 浏览: 147
private final static是Java中的关键字,表示一个私有的、不可变的静态变量。其中,private表示该变量只能在当前类中被访问,final表示该变量的值不能被修改,static表示该变量是静态的,即在类加载时就被初始化,且只有一份。
private final static sting drivername
I'm sorry, but the code you provided is incomplete and contains an error. The correct syntax for a final static string variable declaration is:
private static final String DRIVER_NAME = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
This declares a private, static, and final string variable named `DRIVER_NAME`, which is initialized with the value `"com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"`. The `static` keyword means that the variable belongs to the class, not to instances of the class, and that it can be accessed without creating an object of the class. The `final` keyword means that the variable's value cannot be changed once it is initialized.
private final static ThreadLocal<Connection> connectionThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<>();
对于给定的代码片段private final static ThreadLocal<Connection> connectionThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<>();,它创建了一个ThreadLocal对象connectionThreadLocal,用于存储Connection类型的变量。每个线程都可以通过connectionThreadLocal获取自己的Connection对象,而不会与其他线程共享。
private final static ThreadLocal<Connection> connectionThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<>();
public void doSomething() {
Connection connection = connectionThreadLocal.get();
// 使用connection进行操作
public void init() {
// 初始化connectionThreadLocal
public void destroy() {
// 销毁connectionThreadLocal