RuntimeError: Expected 2D (unbatched) or 3D (batched) input to conv1d, but got input of size: [32, 1, 32, 20]
时间: 2024-06-05 19:06:08 浏览: 473
This error message indicates that the input tensor passed to a conv1d layer has an unexpected shape. The conv1d layer expects either a 2D tensor (for unbatched input) or a 3D tensor (for batched input), but the input tensor has a shape of [32, 1, 32, 20].
The first dimension of size 32 likely represents the batch size, while the second dimension of size 1 represents the number of channels. The third and fourth dimensions of size 32 and 20 respectively represent the height and width of the input tensor.
To resolve this error, you should reshape or transpose the input tensor to have the expected shape for the conv1d layer. Depending on the specific requirements of your model and data, you may need to adjust the shape of the input tensor before passing it to the model.