
时间: 2023-08-20 17:04:11 浏览: 47
以下是一个简单的LR(1)分析器的Java代码,用于分析输入的字符串是否符合给定文法的规则: ```java import java.util.*; public class LR1Parser { private Map<Integer, Map<String, Action>> actionTable; private Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> gotoTable; private Map<Integer, Set<Item>> itemSets; private Map<String, Set<Integer>> followSets; private int startState; private String startSymbol; public LR1Parser(Grammar grammar) { // 构建LR(1)项集族 itemSets = buildItemSets(grammar); // 构建LR(1)分析表 actionTable = buildActionTable(grammar, itemSets); gotoTable = buildGotoTable(grammar, itemSets); // 计算起始状态和起始符号 startState = findStartState(itemSets, grammar.getStartSymbol()); startSymbol = grammar.getStartSymbol(); // 计算Follow集合 followSets = calculateFollowSets(grammar); } public boolean parse(String input) { // 初始化状态栈和符号栈 Stack<Integer> stateStack = new Stack<>(); Stack<String> symbolStack = new Stack<>(); stateStack.push(startState); symbolStack.push("$"); // 将输入符号串转换为Token序列 List<Token> tokens = scan(input); tokens.add(new Token("$", "")); // 开始语法分析 int i = 0; while (i < tokens.size()) { int state = stateStack.peek(); String symbol = tokens.get(i).getSymbol(); if (actionTable.containsKey(state) && actionTable.get(state).containsKey(symbol)) { // 查找分析表并执行对应动作 Action action = actionTable.get(state).get(symbol); if (action.getType() == Action.SHIFT) { stateStack.push(action.getValue()); symbolStack.push(symbol); i++; } else if (action.getType() == Action.REDUCE) { Production production = action.getProduction(); int numPops = production.getRight().size(); for (int j = 0; j < numPops; j++) { stateStack.pop(); symbolStack.pop(); } String nonterminal = production.getLeft(); int newState = gotoTable.get(stateStack.peek()).get(nonterminal); stateStack.push(newState); symbolStack.push(nonterminal); } else if (action.getType() == Action.ACCEPT) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } return false; } private List<Token> scan(String input) { // 将输入符号串转换为Token序列 List<Token> tokens = new ArrayList<>(); String[] parts = input.split(" "); for (String part : parts) { String[] pair = part.split(":"); tokens.add(new Token(pair[0], pair[1])); } return tokens; } private Map<String, Set<Integer>> calculateFollowSets(Grammar grammar) { // 计算Follow集合 Map<String, Set<Integer>> followSets = new HashMap<>(); for (String nonterminal : grammar.getNonterminals()) { followSets.put(nonterminal, new HashSet<>()); } followSets.get(startSymbol).add(Grammar.EOF); boolean changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; for (Production production : grammar.getProductions()) { String left = production.getLeft(); List<String> right = production.getRight(); for (int i = right.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String symbol = right.get(i); if (grammar.isNonterminal(symbol)) { Set<Integer> follow = followSets.get(symbol); Set<Integer> first = calculateFirstSet(right.subList(i + 1, right.size()), grammar); int oldSize = follow.size(); follow.addAll(first); if (first.contains(Grammar.EMPTY) || i == right.size() - 1) { follow.addAll(followSets.get(left)); } if (follow.size() != oldSize) { changed = true; } } } } } return followSets; } private Set<Integer> calculateFirstSet(List<String> symbols, Grammar grammar) { // 计算给定符号串的First集合 Set<Integer> first = new HashSet<>(); boolean hasEmpty = true; for (String symbol : symbols) { Set<Integer> symbolFirst = grammar.getFirstSet(symbol); first.addAll(symbolFirst); if (!symbolFirst.contains(Grammar.EMPTY)) { hasEmpty = false; break; } } if (hasEmpty) { first.add(Grammar.EMPTY); } return first; } private int findStartState(Map<Integer, Set<Item>> itemSets, String startSymbol) { // 查找起始状态 for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Item>> entry : itemSets.entrySet()) { int state = entry.getKey(); Set<Item> items = entry.getValue(); for (Item item : items) { if (item.getDotPosition() == 0 && item.getProduction().getLeft().equals(startSymbol)) { return state; } } } return -1; } private Map<Integer, Map<String, Action>> buildActionTable(Grammar grammar, Map<Integer, Set<Item>> itemSets) { // 构建LR(1)分析表中的Action部分 Map<Integer, Map<String, Action>> actionTable = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Item>> entry : itemSets.entrySet()) { int state = entry.getKey(); Set<Item> items = entry.getValue(); Map<String, Action> actions = new HashMap<>(); for (Item item : items) { if (item.getDotPosition() == item.getProduction().getRight().size()) { if (item.getProduction().getLeft().equals(grammar.getStartSymbol())) { actions.put("$", new Action(Action.ACCEPT, -1, null)); } else { Set<Integer> follow = followSets.get(item.getProduction().getLeft()); for (int symbol : follow) { actions.put(grammar.getSymbolString(symbol), new Action(Action.REDUCE, item.getProduction().getIndex(), item.getProduction())); } } } else { String nextSymbol = item.getNextSymbol(); if (grammar.isTerminal(nextSymbol)) { int nextState = findNextState(itemSets, items, nextSymbol); actions.put(nextSymbol, new Action(Action.SHIFT, nextState, null)); } } } actionTable.put(state, actions); } return actionTable; } private Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> buildGotoTable(Grammar grammar, Map<Integer, Set<Item>> itemSets) { // 构建LR(1)分析表中的Goto部分 Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> gotoTable = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Item>> entry : itemSets.entrySet()) { int state = entry.getKey(); Set<Item> items = entry.getValue(); Map<String, Integer> gotos = new HashMap<>(); for (Item item : items) { if (item.getDotPosition() < item.getProduction().getRight().size()) { String nextSymbol = item.getNextSymbol(); if (grammar.isNonterminal(nextSymbol)) { int nextState = findNextState(itemSets, items, nextSymbol); gotos.put(nextSymbol, nextState); } } } gotoTable.put(state, gotos); } return gotoTable; } private int findNextState(Map<Integer, Set<Item>> itemSets, Set<Item> items, String symbol) { // 查找给定状态集合和符号的下一个状态 Set<Item> nextItems = new HashSet<>(); for (Item item : items) { if (item.getDotPosition() < item.getProduction().getRight().size() && item.getNextSymbol().equals(symbol)) { nextItems.add(new Item(item.getProduction(), item.getDotPosition() + 1, item.getLookahead())); } } return findItemSetState(itemSets, nextItems); } private int findItemSetState(Map<Integer, Set<Item>> itemSets, Set<Item> items) { // 查找给定LR(1)项集在LR(1)项集族中的状态 for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Item>> entry : itemSets.entrySet()) { int state = entry.getKey(); Set<Item> existingItems = entry.getValue(); if (existingItems.equals(items)) { return state; } } return -1; } private Map<Integer, Set<Item>> buildItemSets(Grammar grammar) { // 构建LR(1)项集族 Map<Integer, Set<Item>> itemSets = new HashMap<>(); int state = 0; Set<Item> initialItems = new HashSet<>(); Production startProduction = grammar.getProductions().get(0); initialItems.add(new Item(startProduction, 0, Grammar.EOF)); itemSets.put(state, closure(initialItems, grammar)); boolean changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Item>> entry : new HashMap<>(itemSets).entrySet()) { int currentState = entry.getKey(); Set<Item> currentItems = entry.getValue(); Map<String, Set<Item>> symbolItems = new HashMap<>(); for (Item item : currentItems) { if (item.getDotPosition() < item.getProduction().getRight().size()) { String nextSymbol = item.getNextSymbol(); Set<Item> nextItems = symbolItems.computeIfAbsent(nextSymbol, k -> new HashSet<>()); nextItems.add(new Item(item.getProduction(), item.getDotPosition() + 1, item.getLookahead())); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Item>> symbolEntry : symbolItems.entrySet()) { Set<Item> nextItems = closure(symbolEntry.getValue(), grammar); int nextState = findItemSetState(itemSets, nextItems); if (nextState == -1) { nextState = ++state; itemSets.put(nextState, nextItems); changed = true; } actionTable.put(currentState, new HashMap<>()); actionTable.get(currentState).put(symbolEntry.getKey(), new Action(Action.SHIFT, nextState, null)); } } } return itemSets; } private Set<Item> closure(Set<Item> items, Grammar grammar) { // 计算LR(1)项集的闭包 Set<Item> closure = new HashSet<>(items); boolean changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; for (Item item : new HashSet<>(closure)) { if (item.getDotPosition() < item.getProduction().getRight().size()) { String nextSymbol = item.getNextSymbol(); Set<Integer> lookaheads = calculateLookahead(item, closure, grammar); for (Production production : grammar.getProductions()) { if (production.getLeft().equals(nextSymbol)) { Item newItem = new Item(production, 0, lookaheads); if (!closure.contains(newItem)) { closure.add(newItem); changed = true; } } } } } } return closure; } private Set<Integer> calculateLookahead(Item item, Set<Item> closure, Grammar grammar) { // 计算LR(1)项的向前看符号集合 Set<Integer> lookaheads = new HashSet<>(); if (item.getDotPosition() == item.getProduction().getRight().size()) { lookaheads.addAll(item.getLookahead()); } else { String nextSymbol = item.getNextSymbol(); Set<Item> lookItems = new HashSet<>(); for (Item closureItem : closure) { if (closureItem.getProduction().getLeft().equals(nextSymbol)) { lookItems.add(closureItem); } } for (Item lookItem : lookItems) { Set<Integer> itemLookaheads = lookItem.getLookahead(); if (itemLookaheads.contains(Grammar.EMPTY)) { lookaheads.addAll(calculateFollowSets(grammar).get(item.getProduction().getLeft())); lookaheads.remove(Grammar.EMPTY); } lookaheads.addAll(itemLookaheads); } } return lookaheads; } private static class Item { private Production production; private int dotPosition; private Set<Integer> lookahead; public Item(Production production, int dotPosition, int lookahead) { this.production = production; this.dotPosition = dotPosition; this.lookahead = new HashSet<>(); this.lookahead.add(lookahead); } public Item(Production production, int dotPosition, Set<Integer> lookahead) { this.production = production; this.dotPosition = dotPosition; this.lookahead = lookahead; } public Production getProduction() { return production; } public int getDotPosition() { return dotPosition; } public String getNextSymbol() { return production.getRight().get(dotPosition); } public Set<Integer> getLookahead() { return lookahead; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Item) { Item other = (Item) obj; return production.equals(other.production) && dotPosition == other.dotPosition && lookahead.equals(other.lookahead); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(production, dotPosition, lookahead); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(production.getLeft()); builder.append(" ->"); for (int i = 0; i < production.getRight().size(); i++) { if (i == dotPosition) { builder.append(" ·"); } builder.append(" "); builder.append(production.getRight().get(i)); } if (dotPosition == production.getRight().size()) { builder.append(" ·"); } builder.append(", {"); for (int lookahead : lookahead) { builder.append(" '"); builder.append(Grammar.getSymbolString(lookahead)); builder.append("'"); } builder.append(" }"); return builder.toString(); } } private static class Action { public static final int SHIFT = 1; public static final int REDUCE = 2; public static final int ACCEPT = 3; public static final int ERROR = 4; private int type; private int value; private Production production; public Action(int type, int value, Production production) { this.type = type; this.value = value; this.production = production; } public int getType() { return type; } public int getValue() { return value; } public Production getProduction() { return production; } } } ``` 上述代码中,`Grammar`类表示给定的文法,`Token`类表示输入符号串中的一个Token,`LR1Parser`类表示LR(1)分析器,包含了构建LR(1)项集族、构建LR(1)分析表、计算Follow集合、计算First集合、计算闭包、计算向前看符号等功能函数。其中,`buildItemSets()`函数实现了LR(1)项集族的构建,`buildActionTable()`函数实现了LR(1)分析表中的Action部分的构建,`buildGotoTable()`函数实现了LR(1)分析表中的Goto部分的构建,`scan()`函数用于将输入符号串转换为Token序列,`parse()`函数实现了LR(1)分析器的主要逻辑。




4 实验四:LR分析程序的设计与实现

1、了解LR(0)分析方法是严格的从左向右扫描,和自底向上的语法分析方法。 2、掌握LR(0)语法分析方法。


1.根据某一文法编制调试LL(1)分析程序,以便对任意输入的符号串进行分析。 2.本次实验的目的主要是加深对预测分析LL(1)分析法的理解。






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管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357https://theses.hal.science/tel-003453572008年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


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def ObjFun(x,y,beta): # 目标函数 """ Logistic regression loss function :param beta: model parameter vector :param x: feature matrix :param y: label vector :return: loss value """ n = x.shape[0] p = x.shape[1] pred = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-np.dot(x, beta))) pred = np.clip(pred, 1e-15, 1 - 1e-15) # 将预测值限制在一个很小的区间内 ObjVal = -np.sum(y * np.log(pred) + (1 - y) * np.log(1 - pred)) / n return ObjVal

好的,根据上面的目标函数,我们可以推导出其对应的梯度向量函数,如下所示: def gradient(x, y, beta): """ Compute gradient of the logistic regression loss function :param beta: model parameter vector :param x: feature matrix :param y: label vector :return: gradient vector """ n = x.shape[0] pred = 1 /

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