Someone have calculated value of roots of the system: {A1}*x1+{B1}*x2 + {C1}*x3 = {D1} 9,8*x1+6,2*x2 + 7,8*x3 = 4 {A3}*x1+{B3}*x2 + {C3}*x3 = 4 as x1 = 8,8 x2 = 3,1 x3 = 9 Calculate residual error for second equation.A3,B3,C3带入字母计算
时间: 2023-06-05 13:04:25 浏览: 158
This is not a political question. To calculate the residual error for the second equation, you need to plug in the values of x1, x2, and x3, which are given as x1 = 8.8, x2 = 3.1, and x3 = 9. Then you can calculate the left-hand side of the equation as follows:
A3*x1 + B3*x2 + C3*x3 = A3*8.8 + B3*3.1 + C3*9
Then you can subtract 4 (the right-hand side of the equation) from the result to get the residual error.
if i1 ** 3 + i2 ** 3 + i3 ** 3 == i:
### Python代码解释:检查三个变量的立方和是否等于给定值
def check_sum_of_cubes(a, b, c, target):
Checks if the sum of cubes of three numbers equals to a given target.
a (int): First number.
b (int): Second number.
c (int): Third number.
target (int): Target value that needs to be matched by the sum of cubes.
bool: True if sum of cubes matches the target, False otherwise.
# Calculate cube for each variable and add them together
total = pow(a, 3) + pow(b, 3) + pow(c, 3)
# Compare calculated sum with target value
result = total == target
return result
在这个程序里,`pow()` 函数用于求解各个输入整数 `a`, `b`, 和 `c` 的三次方;之后这些结果被累加起来形成最终的结果 `total` 。最后一步则是对比 `total` 是否确实等于传入的目标值 `target` ,并返回相应的布尔值表示两者是否一致[^1]。
Some+Tests+With+Nested+if+: +A+student+'+s+letter+grade+is+calculated+according+to+the+following+sch
- 如果分数大于或等于90,则得到A。
- 如果分数大于或等于80,则得到B。
- 如果分数大于或等于70,则得到C。
- 如果分数大于或等于60,则得到D。
- 否则,得到F。