Write a program that implements the following disk-scheduling algorithms: a. FCFS b. SSTF c. SCAN d. C-SCAN e. LOOK f. C-LOOK Your program will service a disk with 5,000 cylinders numbered 0 to 4,999. The program will generate a random series of 1,000 cylinder requests and service them according to each of the algorithms listed above. The program will be passed the initial position of the disk head (as a parameter on the command line) and report the total amount of head movement required by each algorithm.

时间: 2024-01-31 12:02:21 浏览: 24
以下是实现上述磁盘调度算法的示例代码,使用了C++11的随机数生成器和命令行参数: ```c++ #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <random> #include <cmath> using namespace std; // 磁盘请求结构体 struct Request { int cylinder; // 磁道号 int arrival_time; // 到达时间 }; // FCFS算法 int fcfs(vector<Request>& requests, int start) { int head = start, sum = 0; for (auto r : requests) { sum += abs(head - r.cylinder); head = r.cylinder; } return sum; } // SSTF算法 int sstf(vector<Request>& requests, int start) { int head = start, sum = 0; while (!requests.empty()) { int index = -1, min_dist = INT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++) { int dist = abs(requests[i].cylinder - head); if (dist < min_dist) { min_dist = dist; index = i; } } sum += min_dist; head = requests[index].cylinder; requests.erase(requests.begin() + index); } return sum; } // SCAN算法 int scan(vector<Request>& requests, int start) { int head = start, sum = 0; vector<Request> left, right; for (auto r : requests) { if (r.cylinder < head) left.push_back(r); else right.push_back(r); } sort(left.begin(), left.end(), [](const Request& r1, const Request& r2) { return r1.cylinder > r2.cylinder; }); sort(right.begin(), right.end(), [](const Request& r1, const Request& r2) { return r1.cylinder < r2.cylinder; }); for (auto r : right) { sum += abs(head - r.cylinder); head = r.cylinder; } if (!left.empty()) { sum += abs(head - left.front().cylinder); head = left.front().cylinder; for (auto r : left) { sum += abs(head - r.cylinder); head = r.cylinder; } } return sum; } // C-SCAN算法 int cscan(vector<Request>& requests, int start) { int head = start, sum = 0; vector<Request> left, right; for (auto r : requests) { if (r.cylinder < head) left.push_back(r); else right.push_back(r); } sort(left.begin(), left.end(), [](const Request& r1, const Request& r2) { return r1.cylinder > r2.cylinder; }); sort(right.begin(), right.end(), [](const Request& r1, const Request& r2) { return r1.cylinder < r2.cylinder; }); for (auto r : right) { sum += abs(head - r.cylinder); head = r.cylinder; } if (!left.empty()) { sum += abs(head - 4999); head = 4999; for (auto r : left) { sum += abs(head - r.cylinder); head = r.cylinder; } } return sum; } // LOOK算法 int look(vector<Request>& requests, int start) { int head = start, sum = 0; vector<Request> left, right; for (auto r : requests) { if (r.cylinder < head) left.push_back(r); else right.push_back(r); } sort(left.begin(), left.end(), [](const Request& r1, const Request& r2) { return r1.cylinder > r2.cylinder; }); sort(right.begin(), right.end(), [](const Request& r1, const Request& r2) { return r1.cylinder < r2.cylinder; }); for (auto r : right) { sum += abs(head - r.cylinder); head = r.cylinder; } if (!left.empty()) { sum += abs(head - left.back().cylinder); head = left.back().cylinder; for (auto it = left.rbegin(); it != left.rend(); it++) { sum += abs(head - it->cylinder); head = it->cylinder; } } return sum; } // C-LOOK算法 int clook(vector<Request>& requests, int start) { int head = start, sum = 0; vector<Request> left, right; for (auto r : requests) { if (r.cylinder < head) left.push_back(r); else right.push_back(r); } sort(left.begin(), left.end(), [](const Request& r1, const Request& r2) { return r1.cylinder > r2.cylinder; }); sort(right.begin(), right.end(), [](const Request& r1, const Request& r2) { return r1.cylinder < r2.cylinder; }); for (auto r : right) { sum += abs(head - r.cylinder); head = r.cylinder; } if (!left.empty()) { sum += abs(head - left.back().cylinder); head = left.back().cylinder; for (auto it = left.rbegin(); it != left.rend(); it++) { sum += abs(head - it->cylinder); head = it->cylinder; } sum += abs(head - right.front().cylinder); head = right.front().cylinder; for (auto r : right) { sum += abs(head - r.cylinder); head = r.cylinder; } } return sum; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { cerr << "用法:disk_sched <start>\n"; return -1; } int start = atoi(argv[1]); vector<Request> requests(1000); random_device rd; mt19937 gen(rd()); uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, 4999); for (auto& r : requests) r.cylinder = dis(gen); sort(requests.begin(), requests.end(), [](const Request& r1, const Request& r2) { return r1.arrival_time < r2.arrival_time; }); cout << "FCFS算法扫描长度为:" << fcfs(requests, start) << endl; cout << "SSTF算法扫描长度为:" << sstf(requests, start) << endl; cout << "SCAN算法扫描长度为:" << scan(requests, start) << endl; cout << "C-SCAN算法扫描长度为:" << cscan(requests, start) << endl; cout << "LOOK算法扫描长度为:" << look(requests, start) << endl; cout << "C-LOOK算法扫描长度为:" << clook(requests, start) << endl; return 0; } ``` 该程序首先从命令行参数中读入磁头的初始位置,然后使用C++11的随机数生成器生成1000个磁盘请求,磁道号随机分布在0到4999之间。接着按照到达时间对请求进行排序,然后依次使用FCFS、SSTF、SCAN、C-SCAN、LOOK和C-LOOK算法对请求进行服务,并输出每种算法的扫描长度。




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