2023-07-21T16:24:18 checking whether mknod can create fifo without root privileges... configure: error: in `/mnt/rk3399/3399_4.4/buildroot/output/rockchip_rk3399/build/host-tar-1.29': 2023-07-21T16:24:18 configure: error: you should not run configure as root (set FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 in environment to bypass this check) 2023-07-21T16:24:18 See `config.log' for more details 2023-07-21T16:24:18 make[1]: *** [package/pkg-generic.mk:221: /mnt/rk3399/3399_4.4/buildroot/output/rockchip_rk3399/build/host-tar-1.29/.stamp_configured] Error 1 2023-07-21T16:24:18 make: *** [/mnt/rk3399/3399_4.4/buildroot/output/rockchip_rk3399/Makefile:16: _all] Error 2 Command exited with non-zero status 1 you take 0:19.87 to build builroot ERROR: Running build_buildroot failed! ERROR: exit code 1 from line 715: /usr/bin/time -f "you take %E to build builroot" $COMMON_DIR/mk-buildroot.sh $BOARD_CONFIG
时间: 2024-01-27 09:04:01 浏览: 199
根据提供的错误信息,问题出现在运行 configure 命令时。错误信息中提到了一个解决方案,即在环境中设置 FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 来绕过此检查。
1. 执行以下命令,设置环境变量:
2. 然后重新运行构建命令:
/usr/bin/time -f "you take %E to build builroot" $COMMON_DIR/mk-buildroot.sh $BOARD_CONFIG
如果问题仍然存在,你可以查看 `config.log` 文件,其中可能包含更详细的错误信息。你可以使用以下命令查看该文件:
cat config.log
请确保你的构建环境满足 RK3399 SDK 的要求,并且所有依赖项都正确安装。如果问题仍然存在,请提供更多关于构建环境、配置选项以及其他错误信息的详细信息,以便我能够提供更准确的帮助。
安装tar的时候提示checking whether mknod can create fifo without root privileges... configure: error: in `/tar':
当安装`tar`程序时,如果遇到`checking whether mknod can create fifo without root privileges... configure: error: in '/path/to/tar':`这样的错误,这通常是因为`mknod`命令需要root权限才能创建FIFO(命名管道)文件,而你在当前用户权限下无法完成这个操作。这是因为`tar`在配置阶段尝试测试其功能,包括创建FIFO文件,这是很多现代操作系统中为了安全考虑而限制普通用户的权限。
1. **以管理员身份运行**:尝试用`sudo`命令来执行`./configure`和后续的`make`、`make install`命令,赋予足够的权限来完成安装过程:
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install
2. **临时提升权限**:某些情况下,如果你只想临时处理这个步骤,可以使用`fakeroot`工具,它模拟root权限而不真正切换到root用户:
fakeroot ./configure
fakeroot make
fakeroot make install
3. **修改权限设置**:虽然不太推荐,如果你确定不需要对系统安全造成影响,可以在安装过程中改变权限策略,但这可能导致潜在的风险。这通常是在自动化脚本或者特定环境如Docker中才这么做。
STDOUT: Error: line 1: RuntimeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\Python\lib\site-packages\maya\app\renderSetup\model\sceneObservable.py line 365: (kInvalidParameter): Argument is a NULL pointer 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support@thinkboxsoftware.com with the error message. 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: STDOUT: Warning: line 1: Python callback failed 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support@thinkboxsoftware.com with the error message. 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: STDOUT: Error: line 1: RuntimeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\Python\lib\site-packages\maya\app\renderSetup\model\sceneObservable.py line 365: (kInvalidParameter): Argument is a NULL pointer 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support@thinkboxsoftware.com with the error message. 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: STDOUT: Warning: line 1: Python callback failed 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support@thinkboxsoftware.com with the error message. 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: STDOUT: Error: line 1: RuntimeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\Python\lib\site-packages\maya\app\renderSetup\model\sceneObservable.py line 365: (kInvalidParameter): Argument is a NULL pointer 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support@thinkboxsoftware.com with the error message. 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: STDOUT: Warning: line 1: Python callback failed 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support@thinkboxsoftware.com with the error message. 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: STDOUT: Error: line 1: RuntimeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\Python\lib\site-packages\maya\app\renderSetup\model\sceneObservable.py line 365: (kInvalidParameter): Argument is a NULL pointer 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support@thinkboxsoftware.com with the error message. 2023-07-23 19:44:36: 0: STDOUT: Warning: line 1: Python callback failed 2023-07-23 19:44:48: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support@thinkboxsoftware.com with the error message. 2023-07-23 19:44:48: 0: STDOUT: Error: line 17: Division by zero. 2023-07-23 19:44:48: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support@thinkboxsoftware.com with the error message. 2023-07-23 19:44:48: 0: STDOUT: Error: line 17: Division by zero.
这个错误信息显示在 Maya 2018 中的渲染设置(render setup)模块的 sceneObservable.py 文件的第365行发生了异常。具体错误是 RuntimeError,错误类型是 kInvalidParameter,意味着传递给函数的参数为空指针(NULL pointer)。
另外,请确保你使用的 Maya 版本与渲染设置模块的版本兼容。如果问题仍然存在,你可以尝试更新或重新安装 Maya 或渲染设置模块,或者联系 Thinkbox Software 的支持团队以获取进一步的帮助。
至于最后提到的“Error: line 17: Division by zero.”,它与之前提到的除以零错误相同。你需要检查代码中的第17行,并确保在进行除法操作之前,被除数不为零。