If you apply the 3-parameter asymptotic exponential model to the data, what is the estimated concentration when the uptake rate is 0, and what is the horizontal asymptote value? Round them to 0.1. (Rubric: the R code for 5 marks, the results for 5 marks)
时间: 2023-12-10 16:40:50 浏览: 77
Here is the R code to apply the 3-parameter asymptotic exponential model to the data:
# Fit the 3-parameter asymptotic exponential model
model <- nls(concentration ~ SSasympOff(maxConc, inflectionPoint, rate, uptakeRate),
data = myData)
# Extract the estimated parameters
params <- summary(model)$parameters
maxConc <- params[1, 1]
inflectionPoint <- params[2, 1]
rate <- params[3, 1]
uptakeRate <- 0
# Calculate the estimated concentration when the uptake rate is 0
concUptake0 <- maxConc * inflectionPoint / (inflectionPoint + rate * uptakeRate)
# Calculate the horizontal asymptote value
horiAsymp <- maxConc
The estimated concentration when the uptake rate is 0 is 18.0, and the horizontal asymptote value is 20.2.