时间: 2023-12-19 21:04:01 浏览: 183
http_client->request->set_header_field("Content-Type", "application/json");
这样,在发送HTTP请求时,就会在请求头中包含`Content-Type: application/json`这个字段。
// 假设http_client是一个HTTP客户端对象
auto request = http_client->request(methods::GET);
request.headers().add("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
1. `request` 对象是由 `http_client` 对象创建的 GET 请求对象。
2. `set_request_uri` 方法设置请求的URL。
3. `headers()` 方法获取请求头部的引用。
4. `add` 方法添加一个新的请求头到请求头部,其中 `Content-Type` 是请求头的名称,`text/html; charset=utf-8` 是请求头的值,表示请求体的类型为 HTML 文本,编码为 UTF-8。
max http header
The maximum size of an HTTP header field is determined by the server or client software that is being used. The official HTTP/1.1 specification does not define a specific maximum size for HTTP headers, but it suggests that servers and clients should use a practical upper limit to avoid denial of service attacks.
In practice, most servers and clients enforce a maximum size for HTTP headers. For example, Apache HTTP Server sets a default limit of 8190 bytes for the size of a request header field, while Nginx sets a default limit of 8KB. Browsers such as Google Chrome enforce a limit of 256KB for the size of a response header.
It is important to note that exceeding the maximum size of an HTTP header can result in errors or denial of service conditions. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your HTTP headers are within the limits set by your server or client software.