Concept-Canny matlab代码
时间: 2024-11-18 13:15:59 浏览: 22
对不起,您提到的"Concept-Canny"似乎与您提供的两个引用内容——"Object Recoloring"的MATLAB代码和"Top-Down Color Constancy"的MATLAB代码并不相符。这些引用涉及的是图像色彩处理的不同方面,而非Canny边缘检测(通常用于物体轮廓检测)。如果您想要了解Canny边缘检测的MATLAB代码,这里有一个简单的示例[^1]:
% Canny Edge Detection Example
image = imread('cameraman.tif'); % Load an example image
grayImage = rgb2gray(image); % Convert to grayscale
% Apply Gaussian blur for noise reduction
blurredImage = imgaussfilt(grayImage, 2);
% Compute gradient magnitude and direction
[SobelX, SobelY] = imfilter(blurredImage, [-1 0 1; -2 0 2; -1 0 1], 'replicate');
gradientMag = sqrt(SobelX.^2 + SobelY.^2);
gradientAng = atan2(SobelY, SobelX);
% Non-max suppression and hysteresis thresholding
threshold1 = 0.1 * max(gradientMag(:));
threshold2 = 0.3 * threshold1;
edges = zeros(size(grayImage));
[row, col] = find(gradientMag > threshold1);
for i = 1:length(row)
if abs(gradientAng(row(i), col(i))) < pi/4 || abs(gradientAng(row(i), col(i))) > 3*pi/4
neighborSum = sum(grayImage(row(i)-1:end, col(i)-1:end) >= grayImage(row(i), col(i)));
if neighborSum == 4 || (neighborSum == 3 && grayImage(row(i)-1, col(i)-1) < grayImage(row(i), col(i)))
edges(row(i), col(i)) = 1;
% Perform double thresholding
edges = imbinarize(edges, threshold2);