unsigned char 和unsigned int 区别
时间: 2024-06-15 13:04:00 浏览: 823
unsigned char和unsigned int是C/C++语言中的两种数据类型,它们之间有以下区别:
1. 数据范围:unsigned char的取值范围是0到255,占用一个字节的内存空间;而unsigned int的取值范围较大,通常是0到4294967295(32位系统)或0到18446744073709551615(64位系统),占用四个字节或八个字节的内存空间。
2. 数据用途:unsigned char通常用于表示字符或者存储小范围的整数值,例如像素值、颜色分量等;而unsigned int则用于存储较大范围的整数值,例如计数器、数组索引等。
3. 运算方式:unsigned char和unsigned int在进行算术运算时会有不同的结果。由于unsigned char的取值范围较小,当进行加法或乘法等运算时,可能会发生溢出现象,即结果超出了unsigned char的取值范围;而unsigned int的取值范围较大,可以进行更大范围的运算而不会溢出。
4. 内存占用:由于unsigned char占用的内存空间较小,可以更节省内存资源;而unsigned int占用的内存空间较大,适合存储较大范围的整数值。
unsigned char KeyPushCount; unsigned char StartLedFlow; unsigned int TimerCount5s; unsigned char TimerCount1s; unsigned char Timer1s;
- 一个名为 KeyPushCount 的无符号字符类型变量
- 一个名为 StartLedFlow 的无符号字符类型变量
- 一个名为 TimerCount5s 的无符号整型变量
- 一个名为 TimerCount1s 的无符号字符类型变量
- 一个名为 Timer1s 的无符号字符类型变量
imagecamera.o: In function `yuyv_to_rgb888(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, int, int)': imagecamera.cpp:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `yuyv_to_rgb888(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, int, int)' main.o:main.cpp:(.text+0x538): first defined here imagedrivecamera.o: In function `yuyv_to_rgb888(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, int, int)': imagedrivecamera.cpp:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `yuyv_to_rgb888(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, int, int)' main.o:main.cpp:(.text+0x538): first defined here moc_imagecamera.o: In function `yuyv_to_rgb888(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, int, int)': moc_imagecamera.cpp:(.text+0x118): multiple definition of `yuyv_to_rgb888(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, int, int)' main.o:main.cpp:(.text+0x538): first defined here moc_imagedrivecamera.o: In function `yuyv_to_rgb888(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, int, int)': moc_imagedrivecamera.cpp:(.text+0x118): multiple definition of `yuyv_to_rgb888(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, int, int)' main.o:main.cpp:(.text+0x538): first defined here
// function.h
#ifndef FUNCTION_H
#define FUNCTION_H
void yuyv_to_rgb888(unsigned char* yuv, unsigned char* rgb, int imgWidth, int imgHeight);
// function.cpp
#include "function.h"
void yuyv_to_rgb888(unsigned char* yuv, unsigned char* rgb, int imgWidth, int imgHeight) {
// 函数实现
// main.cpp
#include "function.h"
int main() {
// 调用函数
yuyv_to_rgb888(yuv, rgb, width, height);
return 0;
// other.cpp
#include "function.h"
extern void yuyv_to_rgb888(unsigned char* yuv, unsigned char* rgb, int imgWidth, int imgHeight);
void otherFunction() {
// 调用函数
yuyv_to_rgb888(yuv, rgb, width, height);