时间: 2024-12-06 22:22:33 浏览: 17
5星 · 资源好评率100%
1. **解析输入表达式**:
- 使用两个栈,一个用于存储操作数,另一个用于存储运算符。
- 遍历输入表达式,遇到数字就压入操作数栈,遇到运算符则检查优先级,如果当前运算符优先级高于或等于栈顶运算符,则将栈顶运算符弹出并压入运算符栈,直到找到一个优先级更低的运算符或遍历完输入表达式。
2. **转换为后缀表达式** (也称为逆波兰表达式):
- 当遇到左括号时,直接压入栈。
- 遇到右括号时,重复弹出并运算操作数,直到遇到左括号为止,然后把左括号压回栈里。
- 遇到非括号字符,直接压入操作数栈。
3. **计算后缀表达式**:
- 对于后缀表达式,从操作数栈开始取出元素,每次取出的操作数和运算符按照顺序进行相应的运算。
4. **最终结果**:
- 计算完成后,操作数栈中的最后一个元素即为结果。
function calculate(expression):
stack = two stacks for operands and operators
i = 0
while i < len(expression):
if expression[i] is a digit or decimal point:
push number onto operand stack until next non-digit character
elif expression[i] is an operator:
while top of operator stack has higher or equal priority:
pop from both stacks, perform operation, and push result back on the operand stack
push current operator to operator stack
elif expression[i] is '(':
push '(' onto operator stack
elif expression[i] is ')':
while top of operator stack isn't '(', pop and perform operations
pop '(' from operator stack
i += 1
while not empty in operator stack:
pop from both stacks, perform operation, and push result back on the operand stack
return top of operand stack as final result