message = sprintf('Calibration parameter values not loaded\n Please run the script ''CruiseControl_dd'''); % 引发一个错误对话框窗口以提醒用户 uialert(app.UIFigure, message, 'Calibration data loaded check', 'Icon','error')
时间: 2024-04-29 16:20:15 浏览: 91
这段代码是一个 MATLAB App Designer 中的代码片段,它的作用是在应用程序的 UI 界面中弹出一个错误对话框窗口,提醒用户需要运行名为 "CruiseControl_dd" 的脚本来加载校准参数值。
具体来说,`sprintf` 函数用来格式化字符串,生成一个包含错误信息的字符串 `message`。然后,`uialert` 函数用来在界面中弹出一个对话框窗口,显示错误信息 `message`。该函数的第二个参数 `'Calibration data loaded check'` 是对话框的标题,而第三个参数 `'Icon','error'` 则设置了对话框的图标为错误图标。
g = sprintf('Input the number of objective: '); % Obtain the number of objective function number_of_objectives = input(g); g = sprintf('\nInput the number of decision variables: '); % Obtain the number of decision variables number_of_decision_variables = input(g); clc for i = 1 : number_of_decision_variables clc g = sprintf('\nInput the minimum value for decision variable %d : ', i); % Obtain the minimum possible value for each decision variable min_range_of_decesion_variable(i) = input(g); g = sprintf('\nInput the maximum value for decision variable %d : ', i); % Obtain the maximum possible value for each decision variable max_range_of_decesion_variable(i) = input(g); clc end g = sprintf('\n Now edit the function named "evaluate_objective" appropriately to match your needs. \n Make sure that the number of objective functions and decision variables match your numerical input. \n Make each objective function as a corresponding array element. \n After editing do not forget to save. \n Press "c" and enter to continue... '); % Prompt the user to edit the evaluate_objective function and wait until % 'c' is pressed. x = input(g, 's'); if isempty(x) x = 'x'; end while x ~= 'c' clc x = input(g, 's'); if isempty(x) x = 'x'; end end
"null" 是一个计算机编程术语,表示一个值或者对象不存在、无效或未定义。在程序中,如果一个变量或者对象没有被赋值或者被初始化,它们的值就是 null。在某些编程语言中,null 也可以表示空指针或空引用。
优化这段代码 if(i >= (RUN_INNER_PARA_SIZE -1)) break; memset(szVal, 0, sizeof(szVal)); isDraw = (not == 2 && (draw == (i+1))); val = get_RunParaInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,i); if( ((i>=RUN_INNER_EN_OL)&&(i<=RUN_INNER_EN_OVL)) || ((i>=RUN_INNER_ENW_OC)&&(i<=RUN_INNER_ENW_ZIC)) || (i == RUN_INNER_ENW_ZIV) || (i == RUN_INNER_SW_PN) || (i == RUN_INNER_SY_ALM) || ((i>=RUN_INNER_DY_ON)&&(i<=RUN_INNER_U0_ON))) { LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 0, (char *) *(RunGapName+i)); displayString(isDraw,(i == RUN_INNER_SW_PN ? gcszLcdPNMode[(int)val] :gcszOnOff[(int)val]),(i%LISTOFFSET)+1,(i == RUN_INNER_SW_PN ? 14 :18)); } else { LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 0, (char *)*(RunGapName+i)); sprintf(szVal, "%0.4f", val); LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 17, szVal); if (isDraw == 1) str = LCD_BitNot(UNIT_RUNPARAM,UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,i,i,bit); }
首先,可以将重复使用的变量提取出来,避免多次申明和初始化。比如可以将 `isDraw` 的计算提到循环外部;将 `szVal` 的申明和初始化提到循环外部;将 `val` 的计算提到循环外部。
其次,可以将多个 if 判断合并成一个 if-else if-else 的结构,避免重复判断。比如可以将 `(i>=RUN_INNER_EN_OL)&&(i<=RUN_INNER_EN_OVL)` 和 `(i>=RUN_INNER_ENW_OC)&&(i<=RUN_INNER_ENW_ZIC)` 合并成一个 else if 判断。
最后,可以使用三元表达式简化代码,避免重复的判断。比如可以将 `(i == RUN_INNER_SW_PN ? gcszLcdPNMode[(int)val] :gcszOnOff[(int)val])` 使用三元表达式替换。
memset(szVal, 0, sizeof(szVal));
int isDraw = (not == 2 && (draw == (i+1)));
float val = get_RunParaInfo_val(UNIT_GAP_RT1064,gapid,i);
char *str = NULL;
if (i >= (RUN_INNER_PARA_SIZE -1)) break;
LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 0, (char *) *(RunGapName+i));
char *valStr = (i == RUN_INNER_SW_PN ? gcszLcdPNMode[(int)val] : gcszOnOff[(int)val]);
displayString(isDraw, valStr, (i%LISTOFFSET)+1, (i == RUN_INNER_SW_PN ? 14 : 18));
LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 0, (char *)*(RunGapName+i));
sprintf(szVal, "%0.4f", val);
LCD_DisString((i%LISTOFFSET)+1, 17, szVal);
str = (isDraw == 1) ? LCD_BitNot(UNIT_RUNPARAM, UNIT_GAP_RT1064, gapid, i, i, bit) : NULL;