'BSpline' object has no attribute 'set_coeffs'
时间: 2023-10-13 11:07:09 浏览: 94
This error message suggests that you are trying to call the method `set_coeffs()` on an object of the class `BSpline`, but that method doesn't exist in that class.
Please check the documentation or source code of the `BSpline` class to confirm whether or not it has a method called `set_coeffs()`. If it doesn't, you will need to find an alternative way to achieve your desired functionality.
AttributeError: 'BSpline' object has no attribute 'get_coeffs'
这个错误通常表示你正在尝试调用一个不存在的方法。在这种情况下,你正在尝试调用 `get_coeffs` 方法,但它似乎不存在于 `BSpline` 对象中。
AttributeError: 'BSpline' object has no attribute '_eval_args'
这个错误通常是因为 `BSpline` 对象没有传递正确的参数导致的。`_eval_args` 是用来计算插值函数的参数的方法,如果没有正确传递参数,就会出现这个错误。
你可以检查一下你创建 `BSpline` 对象时是否传递了正确的参数。通常来说,需要传递控制点、节点序列和阶数等参数。如果你不确定怎么传递这些参数,可以查看一下 `scipy.interpolate.BSpline` 的文档或者示例代码。