时间: 2024-02-25 09:52:57 浏览: 75
# 导入必要的库
from machine import Pin
from time import sleep_us
# 初始化编码器引脚
encoder_pin_A = Pin(0, Pin.IN)
encoder_pin_B = Pin(1, Pin.IN)
# 初始化计数器和时间变量
count = 0
last_count = 0
last_time = 0
# 初始化定时器
def on_timer(timer):
global count
count += 1
timer = Timer(0)
timer.init(period=100, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=on_timer)
# 循环读取编码器值并计算速度
while True:
# 读取编码器值
pin_A = encoder_pin_A.value()
pin_B = encoder_pin_B.value()
# 判断编码器状态
if pin_A == 1 and pin_B == 0:
count -= 1
elif pin_A == 0 and pin_B == 1:
count += 1
elif pin_A == 0 and pin_B == 0:
count -= 1
elif pin_A == 1 and pin_B == 1:
count += 1
# 计算速度
current_time = time.ticks_us()
delta_count = count - last_count
delta_time = current_time - last_time
last_count = count
last_time = current_time
speed = delta_count / delta_time * 1000000
# 输出速度
print("Speed: %.2f" % speed)
# 等待一段时间