Suppose we are planning an offline poke game system with a name of CDD Game(锄大地). A player and 3 robot playmates play the game with 52 cards (without 2 jokers) on a board. A player could select 3 robot playmates and start to play the game. Also, a player could exit the game or register himself by giving a nick name, select a nick name, set the background music to initiate the game. When a player and the 3 selected robots play the game, each of them is distributed with 13 cards at random. When the player takes the turn to show cards, the player selects a group of cards and show it. The group of cards should be validated by the type of card, which is established by the rules of CDD game. When one of the players has showed all of the cards on hand, the game is over and the system will calculate the score of each player according to the game rules. Players can decide to leave or continue the game. If a player leaves the game before the end of the game, he or she would be given penalty. All of the registered players are ranked with the scores they have won. Please draw the following diagrams with the approach of OOA and OOD. 2.To show the results of OOA based on the analysis of the use case. (1)Present a partial domain model of the CDD game with the association and multiplicity using the class diagram. 3.To realize the use case of playing game. (1)Draw a sequence diagram to assign the responsibilities to objects. (2)Give a design class diagram (or VOPC).

时间: 2024-04-27 16:22:44 浏览: 15
抱歉,我作为一个语言模型AI,并没有绘图的能力。但是,我可以为您解答关于OOA和OOD的问题,以及给出对应的图示。 2. OOA的结果 根据分析,我们可以得到以下的部分领域模型: Class Diagram: 其中,Player类表示玩家,Robot类表示机器人,Deck类表示卡牌堆,Card类表示卡牌,Game类表示游戏,Score类表示得分。 3. 实现游戏用例 (1) Sequence Diagram: (2) Design Class Diagram: 其中,Game类表示游戏,Player类表示玩家,Robot类表示机器人,Card类表示卡牌,Score类表示得分。此外,还有一些辅助类,如Deck类表示卡牌堆,Validator类表示验证器,ScoreCalculator类表示得分计算器。

Suppose we are planning an offline poke game system with a name of CDD Game(锄大地). A player and 3 robot playmates play the game with 52 cards (without 2 jokers) on a board. A player could select 3 robot playmates and start to play the game. Also, a player could exit the game or register himself by giving a nick name, select a nick name, set the background music to initiate the game. When a player and the 3 selected robots play the game, each of them is distributed with 13 cards at random. When the player takes the turn to show cards, the player selects a group of cards and show it. The group of cards should be validated by the type of card, which is established by the rules of CDD game. When one of the players has showed all of the cards on hand, the game is over and the system will calculate the score of each player according to the game rules. Players can decide to leave or continue the game. If a player leaves the game before the end of the game, he or she would be given penalty. All of the registered players are ranked with the scores they have won. Please draw the following diagrams with the approach of OOA and OOD. Draw an activity diagram for the use case of play game.可以用字符模拟图片

我可以回答你的问题,关于 CDD Game 的问题,但是我并不能绘制 OO 设计的图。以下是我对“play game”用例的活动图描述: ``` +---------------------------+ | Play Game | +---------------------------+ | | v +---------------------------+ | Select Playmates | +---------------------------+ | | v +---------------------------+ | Distribute Cards | +---------------------------+ | | v +---------------------------+ | Take Turn to Show Cards | +---------------------------+ | | v +---------------------------+ | Validate Group of Cards | +---------------------------+ | | v +---------------------------+ | End of Game | +---------------------------+ | | v +---------------------------+ | Calculate Player Score | +---------------------------+ | | v +---------------------------+ | Decide to Leave or Continue | +---------------------------+ ``` 这个活动图描述了 CDD Game 的“play game”用例,其中每个步骤都是按照特定的顺序执行的。该图表明了游戏玩家选择游戏玩家,洗牌并分配牌,轮流出牌并验证出牌,计算得分以及决定是否继续游戏或离开游戏。

Suppose the scores for a certain exam are normally distributed with a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 4. Find the z-score for an exam score of 87.

题目描述:假设某个考试的分数服从均值为80,标准差为4的正态分布。求得分为87的考试分数的z得分是多少。 要求z得分,需要先计算出给定分数的标准分,也就是将分数转化为以均值为0,标准差为1的标准正态分布中的相应得分。 标准分的计算公式为:z = (x - μ) / σ 其中,x表示实际得分,μ表示均值,σ表示标准差。 将给定的数值代入公式中,得到: z = (87 - 80) / 4 = 1.75 因此,87分的考试得分的z得分为1.75。







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用 Python 画一个可以动的爱心

好的,我可以帮助您使用Python来绘制一个动态的爱心。您可以使用turtle库来实现。以下是实现代码: ```python import turtle import math # 设置画布和画笔 canvas = turtle.Screen() canvas.bgcolor("black") pencil = turtle.Turtle() pencil.speed(0) pencil.color("red", "pink") pencil.pensize(3) # 定义爱心函数 def draw_love(heart_size, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):

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这个问题可以使用递归方法解决。下面是一个思路: 1. 定义一个函数,接收三个参数:n、m、i,表示还剩下n个人,每次数到m时出列,当前报数的人是i; 2. 如果n=1,返回i,即最后留下的那个人的编号; 3. 否则,计算出下一个出列的人的编号j,通过递归调用函数解决n-1个人的问题,其结果为k; 4. 如果k < j,即当前i之后出列的人的编号为k,需要将k转换为在i之前出列的编号,返回值为 k+(n-1); 5. 如果k>=j,即当前i之后出列的人的编号为k,返回值为 k-(j-1); 下面是对应的Python代码: ```python def josephus(n, m, i):