
时间: 2023-08-29 21:06:34 浏览: 53
CenterFace 是一种用于人脸检测和关键点定位的神经网络模型。它通过联合优化人脸框和关键点的回归任务来提高检测和定位的准确性。CenterFace 的特点是速度快、准确率高,适用于实时应用场景。它在 CSDN 上有详细的教程和代码实现,可以帮助开发者快速上手和应用 CenterFace 模型。

face alignment

Face alignment refers to the process of detecting and locating specific facial landmarks on a face image, such as the center of the eyes, nose, and mouth. This process is important in many computer vision applications, such as face recognition, facial expression analysis, and augmented reality. The goal of face alignment is to accurately estimate the spatial location and orientation of these landmarks, in order to provide a standardized representation of the face that can be used for further analysis or comparison with other faces. Various techniques can be used for face alignment, including feature-based methods, template matching, and deep learning-based approaches.

css font-face设置文字居中

很抱歉,ChitGPT无法进行代码展示。但是针对你的问题,如果想让字体居中,可以使用以下CSS样式: text-align: center; 使得文字在元素中居中对齐。如果需要对于单行文本进行居中,则可以使用以下样式: line-height: ***px; height: ***px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; 其中,line-height和height需要设置相同的值,使得文本在一个固定大小的盒子中居中对齐,vertical-align可以让元素的内容垂直居中。


请详细解释下这段代码void FaceTracker::OnNewFaceData( const std::vector<human_sensing::CrosFace>& faces) { // Given |f1| and |f2| from two different (usually consecutive) frames, treat // the two rectangles as the same face if their position delta is less than // kFaceDistanceThresholdSquare. // // This is just a heuristic and is not accurate in some corner cases, but we // don't have face tracking. auto is_same_face = [&](const Rect<float>& f1, const Rect<float>& f2) -> bool { const float center_f1_x = f1.left + f1.width / 2; const float center_f1_y = + f1.height / 2; const float center_f2_x = f2.left + f2.width / 2; const float center_f2_y = + f2.height / 2; constexpr float kFaceDistanceThresholdSquare = 0.1 * 0.1; const float dist_square = std::pow(center_f1_x - center_f2_x, 2.0f) + std::pow(center_f1_y - center_f2_y, 2.0f); return dist_square < kFaceDistanceThresholdSquare; }; for (const auto& f : faces) { FaceState s = { .normalized_bounding_box = Rect<float>( f.bounding_box.x1 / options_.active_array_dimension.width, f.bounding_box.y1 / options_.active_array_dimension.height, (f.bounding_box.x2 - f.bounding_box.x1) / options_.active_array_dimension.width, (f.bounding_box.y2 - f.bounding_box.y1) / options_.active_array_dimension.height), .last_detected_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Now(), .has_attention = std::fabs(f.pan_angle) < options_.pan_angle_range}; bool found_matching_face = false; for (auto& known_face : faces_) { if (is_same_face(s.normalized_bounding_box, known_face.normalized_bounding_box)) { found_matching_face = true; if (!s.has_attention) { // If the face isn't looking at the camera, reset the timer. s.first_detected_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Max(); } else if (!known_face.has_attention && s.has_attention) { // If the face starts looking at the camera, start the timer. s.first_detected_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Now(); } else { s.first_detected_ticks = known_face.first_detected_ticks; } known_face = s; break; } } if (!found_matching_face) { s.first_detected_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Now(); faces_.push_back(s); } } // Flush expired face states. for (auto it = faces_.begin(); it != faces_.end();) { if (ElapsedTimeMs(it->last_detected_ticks) > options_.face_phase_out_threshold_ms) { it = faces_.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } }

extern UFUNEXPORT int UF_MODL_ask_face_data( tag_t face ,/* Face obj_id / int * type ,/ <O> Face type is NX surface type code 16 = cylinder 17 = cone 18 = sphere 19 = revolved (toroidal) 20 = extruded 22 = bounded plane 23 = fillet (blend) 43 = b-surface 65 = offset surface 66 = foreign surface / double point[] ,/ <O,len:3> Point information is returned according to the value of type as follows. Plane = Position in plane Cylinder= Position on axis Cone = Position on axis Sphere = Center position Torus = Center position Revolved = Position on axis / double dir[] ,/ <O,len:3> Direction information is returned according to the value of type as follows. Plane = Normal direction Cylinder= Axis direction Cone = Axis direction Torus = Axis direction Revolved = Axis direction / double box[] ,/ <O,len:6> Face boundary. The coordinates of the opposite corners of a rectangular box with sides parallel to X, Y, and Z axes (Absolute Coordinate System) are returned. The box contains the specified face and is usually close to the minimum possible size, but this is not guaranteed. box[0] = Xmin box[1] = Ymin box[2] = Zmin box[3] = Xmax box[4] = Ymax box[5] = Zmax / double * radius ,/ <O> Face major radius: For a cone, the radius is taken at the point[3] position on the axis. For a torus, the radius is taken at the major axis. / double * rad_data ,/ <O> Face minor radius: only a torus or cone has rad_data as a minor radius. For a cone, rad_data is the half angle in radians. For a torus, rad_data is taken at the minor axis. / int * norm_dir / <O> Face normal direction: +1 if the face normal is in the same direction as the surface normal (cross product of the U- and V-derivative vectors), -1 if reversed. */ ); 详解










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可以使用如下语句: split_dataframe <- split(original_dataframe, original_dataframe$factor_column) 其中,original_dataframe为待拆分的原始数据框,$factor_column为按照哪一列分组(即因子列),split_dataframe为拆分后得到的数据框列表。