时间: 2025-01-01 17:32:52 浏览: 5
### 关于水准网间接平差程序设计
#### 背景介绍
#### 设计思路
- 定义必要的变量表示各个测站点的位置坐标以及它们之间相互关系;
- 构建误差方程组表达式,该方程反映了理论计算值同实际测量所得数值间的偏差情况;
- 应用最小二乘准则构建目标函数,并求得最优解向量;
#### 示例代码展示
import numpy as np
def indirect_adjustment(observations, design_matrix):
Perform indirect adjustment on leveling network.
observations (list): A list of observed height differences between stations.
design_matrix (numpy.ndarray): Design matrix that relates parameters to observations.
tuple: Optimal parameter estimates and their covariance matrix.
# Convert input lists into NumPy arrays for easier manipulation
obs_array = np.array(observations).reshape(-1, 1)
# Calculate the normal equations' coefficient matrix N=ATA and right-hand side vector t=ATl
ATA = np.dot(design_matrix.T, design_matrix)
ATl = np.dot(design_matrix.T, obs_array)
# Solve the system of linear equations using Cholesky decomposition or any other suitable method
L = np.linalg.cholesky(ATA)
y = np.linalg.solve(L, ATl)
x_hat = np.linalg.solve(L.T, y)
# Compute variance factor σ²=(vTv)/(n-u), where n is number of observations,
# u represents unknowns count; v denotes residual errors after correction by estimated corrections ΔX
residuals = obs_array - np.dot(design_matrix, x_hat)
sigma_squared = float(np.dot(residuals.T, residuals)) / (len(obs_array)-design_matrix.shape[1])
# Finally calculate standard deviation s=sqrt(diag(Cxx))
Cxx = sigma_squared * np.linalg.inv(ATA)
std_deviation = np.sqrt(abs(np.diag(Cxx)))
return x_hat.flatten(), Cxx, std_deviation
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error occurred during computation: {e}")
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Example usage with hypothetical data points
h_diff_observed = [-0.789, 0.456, -1.234, ... ] # Replace ellipsis (...) with real observation values
B = [[...]] # Define appropriate design matrix based on problem statement
result = indirect_adjustment(h_diff_observed, B)
if result is not None:
params_estimated, covar_matrix, stddev = result
print("Estimated Parameters:", params_estimated)
print("\nCovariance Matrix:\n", covar_matrix)
print("\nStandard Deviations:", stddev)