这个方式报错Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'querySelector')
时间: 2023-11-27 15:03:22 浏览: 139
// 检查元素是否存在
if (document.querySelector(".classlist")) {
// 获取元素
var kecheng = document.querySelector(".classlist .kecheng");
// 页面初始化
} else {
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'querySelector')
这个错误通常发生在尝试读取一个未定义的对象的属性时。在你的代码中,错误信息指出无法读取 `querySelector` 属性,这意味着 `document.getElementsByClassName("rs1Set1")[0]` 返回了一个未定义(`undefined`)的值。
1. 没有找到具有类名为 "rs1Set1" 的元素。在执行 `document.getElementsByClassName("rs1Set1")[0]` 之前,请确保页面上存在具有该类名的元素。
2. 脚本代码在 HTML 元素加载之前执行。请确保你的脚本代码放在 `<script>` 标签中,并将其放在 `<body>` 标签的结尾处或使用 `DOMContentLoaded` 事件来确保 DOM 加载完成后再执行脚本。
3. 如果你的代码在外部 JavaScript 文件中,请确保文件路径正确,并且 JavaScript 文件已经成功加载。
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'loadNFTMarker')
This error typically occurs when the `loadNFTMarker` function is called on an undefined object. There are a few potential reasons why this error might be happening:
1. The `aframe-ar-nft.js` library is not properly loaded: Make sure that you have included the `aframe-ar-nft.js` library in your HTML file and that it is loaded before you attempt to call the `loadNFTMarker` function.
2. The `a-scene` element or the AR component is not available: Verify that you have an `a-scene` element in your HTML file and that it has the `arjs` component attached to it. You can check this by inspecting the DOM in your browser's developer tools.
3. The `a-scene` component is not fully initialized: If you are calling the `loadNFTMarker` function immediately after adding the NFT marker, it's possible that the AR component hasn't finished initializing yet. You can try adding a small delay before calling `loadNFTMarker` to ensure that the AR component is fully initialized before the function is called.
Here's an example of how you can add a delay before calling `loadNFTMarker`:
function addNFTMarker() {
// ... create and add the NFT marker ...
// Add a small delay before calling loadNFTMarker
setTimeout(function() {
var arComponent = document.querySelector("a-scene").components.arjs;
}, 100);
By using `setTimeout`, we delay the execution of `loadNFTMarker` by 100 milliseconds, giving enough time for the AR component to initialize.
Make sure to double-check your code and verify that all necessary components and libraries are properly loaded and initialized before attempting to call `loadNFTMarker`.