org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.noHandlerFound No mapping for GET /user/getList
时间: 2023-11-29 14:42:47 浏览: 153
这个错误提示意味着在DispatcherServlet中没有找到处理GET /user/getList请求的处理程序。这可能是由于以下原因之一导致的:
1. 没有在Controller中添加@RequestMapping注释或添加了错误的@RequestMapping注释。
2. 没有正确配置DispatcherServlet以查找Controller。
3. 请求的URL不正确或Controller中没有处理该URL的方法。
org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.noHandlerFound No mapping for GET /custom/getlist
这个问题是由于Spring MVC框架中的DispatcherServlet在处理请求时没有找到匹配的处理器(Handler)所导致的。具体来说,当一个请求进入DispatcherServlet时,DispatcherServlet会根据请求的URL路径和请求方式(GET、POST等)来寻找与之匹配的Handler,如果找不到匹配的Handler,则会抛出"noHandlerFound"异常。
1. 请求的URL路径和Controller中@RequestMapping注解的value不匹配;
2. Controller中没有对应的请求处理方法(即@RequestMapping注解下的方法);
3. 没有配置正确的视图解析器(ViewResolver),导致无法找到对应的视图(View)。
1. 检查请求的URL路径是否与Controller中@RequestMapping注解的value匹配;
2. 确保Controller中有对应的请求处理方法;
3. 检查视图解析器是否配置正确,是否能够找到对应的视图。
org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.noHandlerFound No mapping for GET /
This error message indicates that the DispatcherServlet, which is responsible for handling incoming requests in a Spring web application, was unable to find a mapping for the requested URL path.
Possible causes for this error include:
- The requested URL path does not match any of the defined mappings in the application's configuration.
- The application's configuration is not correctly configured to handle the requested URL path.
- There is a typo or other error in the requested URL path.
To resolve this error, you should check the application's configuration and ensure that it is correctly configured to handle the requested URL path. You may also need to check for typos or other errors in the requested URL path.