mysql ERROR: Determine number of rows to copy: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb4 in position 45: invalid start byte
时间: 2023-11-19 11:05:50 浏览: 269
1. 使用iconv将数据文件转换为utf-8编码格式。例如,如果数据文件的编码格式为gbk,可以使用以下命令将其转换为utf-8编码格式:
iconv -f gbk -t utf-8 data.txt > data_utf8.txt
2. 使用Notepad++将数据文件转换为utf-8编码格式。打开数据文件,选择“编码”菜单,然后选择“转换为utf-8无BOM格式”。
'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb2 in position 77: invalid start byte
This error message indicates that the Python interpreter is trying to decode a text file using the 'utf-8' encoding, but has encountered a byte (0xb2) that is not a valid starting byte in the 'utf-8' encoding.
To solve this issue, you may need to determine the correct encoding of the text file and use that instead of 'utf-8'. You can try opening the file with a different encoding, such as 'iso-8859-1' or 'cp1252', and see if that resolves the issue. Alternatively, you may need to remove or replace the invalid byte(s) in the file.
Here is an example of how to open a file with a specific encoding:
with open('file.txt', encoding='iso-8859-1') as f:
content =
Note that the encoding parameter may also be omitted if your system's default encoding matches the encoding of the file.
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 0: invalid start byte
This error occurs when the Python interpreter tries to decode a byte string using the UTF-8 codec, but encounters a byte that is not a valid start byte for a UTF-8 encoded character.
The byte 0xFF is not a valid start byte for a UTF-8 encoded character. It is often used as a byte-order mark (BOM) in some encodings, such as UTF-16, but it has no meaning in UTF-8.
To resolve this error, you can try one or more of the following:
1. Determine the encoding of the input file or data and use the appropriate codec to decode it.
2. Remove any byte-order marks (BOMs) from the input data before decoding it.
3. Use a different codec, such as latin-1, to decode the input data if the encoding is unknown or ambiguous.
4. Use the errors='ignore' option when decoding the data to ignore any invalid bytes.
Here's an example of how to decode a byte string using the latin-1 codec:
data = b'\xff\xfeH\x00e\x00l\x00l\x00o\x00'
decoded_data = data.decode('latin-1')
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