java.lang.IllegalStateException: closed
时间: 2023-11-15 10:58:17 浏览: 321
java.lang.IllegalStateException: closed是一个常见的异常,通常在使用流或者网络请求时出现。它的原因是流已经关闭,所以无法再进行操作。在使用OkHttp3进行网络请求时,如果多次调用response.body().string()方法,就会出现这个异常。解决方法是将response.body().string()的结果保存到一个变量中,然后对这个变量进行操作。另外,在使用Spring框架时,如果ApplicationContext没有初始化或者已经关闭,也会出现这个异常。解决方法是在访问ApplicationContext之前调用refresh()方法。
java.lang.illegalstateexception: closed
java.lang.illegalstateexception: closed 是Java中的一个异常,表示尝试访问已关闭的对象或资源。这通常发生在尝试使用已关闭的流或数据库连接时。要解决此问题,您需要确保在使用对象或资源之前,它们已正确打开并且在使用后已正确关闭。如果您正在使用try-with-resources语句,则可以确保资源在使用后自动关闭。
java.lang.IllegalStateException: transport client is closed
This exception is thrown when attempting to use a transport client that has already been closed.
A transport client is used to connect to a remote Elasticsearch cluster and perform operations such as indexing, searching, and updating documents. When the client is no longer needed, it should be closed to release any resources it may be holding.
To fix this error, make sure that the transport client is not being used after it has been closed. If you need to perform additional operations, create a new instance of the transport client instead of reusing the closed one.
Here's an example of how to properly close a transport client:
TransportClient client = new PreBuiltTransportClient(settings)
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 9300));
// Perform operations with the client
client.close(); // Close the client when done