choose which shell is aliased ash hush
时间: 2023-09-17 21:01:17 浏览: 175
ash是一种轻量级的Unix shell,是Bourne shell的较小版本,常用于嵌入式系统和一些资源受限的设备。ash具有类似于Bourne shell的语法和功能,但是更加精简和高效。ash是基本的shell,没有提供与现代shell(如bash)中的高级功能和扩展性相当的功能。
hush是另一种轻量级的Unix shell,被设计为嵌入系统和资源受限设备上的最小shell。hush的目标是提供一个非常小巧但功能齐全的shell,以满足对资源极为敏感的环境的要求,同时提供大部分常见Unix shell的功能。
- 如果对shell脚本的需求较低,系统资源很有限,且只需要基本的shell功能,则选择hush可能更合适,因为hush是更小、更简洁的shell。
- 如果需要更强大和扩展性更好的shell功能,或者对Unix shell的功能有更高的期望,同时系统资源还允许,则选择ash可能更合适。
/// TODO: Checking aliases of the two variables at source and sink. For example: /// src instruction: actualRet = source(); /// snk instruction: sink(actualParm,...); /// return true if actualRet is aliased with any parameter at the snk node (e.g., via ander->alias(..,..)) bool TaintGraphTraversal::aliasCheck(const CallICFGNode *src, const CallICFGNode *snk) { }
这段代码中有一个TODO标记,表示这是需要完成的一个任务。具体来说,这个任务是检查源节点和汇节点中两个变量的别名关系。例如,源指令可能是 `actualRet = source();` ,汇指令可能是 `sink(actualParm,...);` ,如果 `actualRet` 与汇节点中的任何一个参数存在别名关系,则返回true。在实现这个任务时,需要使用 `ander->alias(..,..)` 函数进行别名检查。
Select year and sum of games_sold, aliased as total_games_sold; order results by total_games_sold descending -- Filter game_sales based on whether each year is in the list returned in the previous task -- Add a column showing total games_sold in each year to the table you created in the previous task.
Sure, I understand your question. However, it seems like you are asking for a SQL query and I am an AI language model, I don't have access to any database. But I can help you with the query itself, so here's the query you can use to achieve the desired results:
SELECT year, SUM(games_sold) AS total_games_sold
FROM game_sales
WHERE year IN (SELECT year FROM game_sales GROUP BY year ORDER BY SUM(games_sold) DESC)
ORDER BY total_games_sold DESC;
This query will first select the year and the sum of games sold for each year, aliasing the sum as 'total_games_sold'. It then filters the results based on whether each year is in the list returned in the previous task. Finally, it adds a column showing the total games sold in each year and orders the results by total games sold in descending order.