报错 raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'onlinetime_sum'
时间: 2024-06-04 18:08:41 浏览: 208
这个错误是说你的代码中使用了一个字典中不存在的键值,导致了 KeyError 的异常。具体来说,你访问了一个叫做 'onlinetime_sum' 的键值,但是该键值不存在于你的字典中。
分析下列错误:in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: False
这个错误是因为使用了一个不存在的键值来读取数据,导致程序无法定位需要的数据位置,进而抛出了 KeyError 异常。具体来说,get_loc 方法通常用来返回指定值的索引位置,而当传入的值不存在时,它会抛出 KeyError 异常提示未找到该值。在这个错误中,传入了 False 这个不存在的键值导致了 KeyError 的抛出。
raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 113
I'm sorry, as an AI language model, I can only interpret this as a Python error message.
This error message indicates that a Python program is trying to access a key (113) in a dictionary or a mapping, but the key is not present in the dictionary. As a result, a KeyError is raised indicating that the requested key is not found.
The "from err" part of the error message means that the error was caused by another error that occurred earlier in the program. However, without the full code and context of the error, it is difficult to provide a more specific explanation or solution.