raise keyerror(key) from err
时间: 2024-12-16 20:26:58 浏览: 7
`raise KeyError(key) from err` 是Python中的一种异常处理方式,当遇到字典(dict)中不存在指定键(key)的情况时,通常会抛出`KeyError`异常。`from err` 这部分是指定引发这个异常的原因(err),即传递给 `raise` 的错误对象。如果不提供这个来自其他异常的信息,那么默认的错误消息将是 "Key 'key' not found"。
当你想要明确地显示引发异常的具体原因或包含自定义信息时,可以使用这种方式,例如,如果你之前尝试从某个数据结构中获取值时遇到了错误,你可以捕获原始异常并包装成一个 KeyError,提供更详细的错误描述:
value = dict.get(dictionary, key)
except Exception as original_err:
if isinstance(original_err, KeyError):
raise KeyError(key) from original_err
这里,如果 `get()` 方法找不到键,就会引发 `KeyError`,同时将原错误 `original_err` 的信息包含其中。
raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 113
I'm sorry, as an AI language model, I can only interpret this as a Python error message.
This error message indicates that a Python program is trying to access a key (113) in a dictionary or a mapping, but the key is not present in the dictionary. As a result, a KeyError is raised indicating that the requested key is not found.
The "from err" part of the error message means that the error was caused by another error that occurred earlier in the program. However, without the full code and context of the error, it is difficult to provide a more specific explanation or solution.
raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 0
my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
# 使用in关键字检查键是否存在
if 'd' in my_dict:
print('Key not found')
# 使用try-except处理KeyError异常
except KeyError:
print('Key not found')