时间: 2024-06-02 18:09:56 浏览: 114
1. 基于机器学习的方法:这种方法主要是使用一些传统的机器学习算法,如支持向量机(SVM)、随机森林(Random Forest)、k近邻(k-NN)等,对甲状腺结节进行分割和识别。相关文献如下:
- Zhang X, Yin Y, Zhang H, et al. Thyroid nodule recognition using combined feature sets and support vector machine[J]. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 2014, 113(1): 95-104.
- Schiaffino S, Bardelli M, Borrelli P, et al. Computer-aided diagnosis of thyroid nodules using a combination of elastography and grayscale features[J]. Medical physics, 2013, 40(1): 012903.
2. 基于深度学习的方法:近年来,深度学习技术在医学影像分析领域得到了广泛应用,这种方法主要是使用深度神经网络(DNN)对甲状腺结节进行分割和识别。相关文献如下:
- Wang J, Wu F, Zhang J, et al. Automatic thyroid nodule recognition and diagnosis in ultrasound imaging with the YOLOv3-SPP deep learning model[J]. European radiology, 2020, 30(9): 4961-4970.
- Xu X, Liang Q, Liang P, et al. A deep convolutional neural network for segmenting and classifying ultrasound thyroid nodules[J]. Computers in biology and medicine, 2016, 71: 145-155.
3. 基于深度学习和传统机器学习的方法:这种方法结合了深度学习和传统机器学习的优点,使用深度神经网络提取特征,然后使用传统机器学习算法进行分类。相关文献如下:
- Zhang Y, Chen H, Xiao W, et al. A hybrid deep learning approach for thyroid nodule diagnosis based on ultrasound images[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2019, 50: 305-313.
- Wang Y, Wang M, Zhang M, et al. A hybrid method combining learning-based and model-based approaches for thyroid nodule segmentation in ultrasound images[J]. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2018, 64: 69-78.