时间: 2024-04-30 08:17:53 浏览: 84
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function [similarity] = pointCloudSimilarity(p1, p2)
% Calculates similarity between two n*3 point clouds
% Inputs:
% p1: point cloud 1, n*3 matrix
% p2: point cloud 2, n*3 matrix
% Outputs:
% similarity: similarity between the two point clouds, scalar value between 0 and 1
% Compute centroid of each point cloud
centroid1 = mean(p1);
centroid2 = mean(p2);
% Translate point clouds so that centroids coincide
p1 = p1 - centroid1;
p2 = p2 - centroid2;
% Compute covariance matrix of each point cloud
cov1 = cov(p1);
cov2 = cov(p2);
% Compute singular value decomposition of the covariance matrices
[U1, S1, V1] = svd(cov1);
[U2, S2, V2] = svd(cov2);
% Compute determinant of the product of the covariance matrices
detProd = det(U1*U2');
% Compute trace of the product of the covariance matrices
traceProd = trace(S1*S2);
% Compute similarity between the two point clouds
similarity = (1/n)*detProd*exp(-0.5*traceProd);