时间: 2023-06-30 21:02:50 浏览: 172

%% Parameters
nelx = 120; % number of elements in x direction
nely = 40; % number of elements in y direction
volfrac = 0.5; % volume fraction constraint
penal = 3; % penalization factor
rmin = 2; % filter radius
ft = 1; % filter type (1 = mean value, 2 = density)
maxit = 100; % maximum number of iterations
%% Initialization
x = volfrac * ones(nely, nelx); % design variable (density)
xPhys = x; % physical variable (material property)
loop = 0; % iteration counter
change = 1; % change in design variable
m = nely * nelx; % number of elements
n = (nelx + 1) * (nely + 1); % number of nodes
% FE analysis
[KE] = elementstiffness(); % element stiffness matrix
[coord, edof] = mesh(nelx, nely); % mesh generation
K = stiffness(coord, edof, KE, xPhys); % stiffness matrix
U = zeros(n, 1); % displacement vector
F = force(nelx, nely); % load vector
[U, ~] = solve(K, F, U, []);
compliance = F' * U; % objective function value
%% Optimization loop
while change > 0.01 && loop < maxit
loop = loop + 1;
% Sensitivity analysis
[dcdx] = sensitivtyanalysis(K, U, xPhys, KE, coord, edof);
% Filter design variables
[x] = filterdesignvariables(x, ft, rmin, nely, nelx);
% Optimality criteria update
[x, change] = optimalitycriteria(x, dcdx, volfrac, penal, nely, nelx);
% Update physical variables
xPhys = x;
% FE analysis
K = stiffness(coord, edof, KE, xPhys); % stiffness matrix
[U, ~] = solve(K, F, U, []);
compliance = F' * U; % objective function value
% Display iteration information
fprintf('It.:%5i Obj.:%11.4f Vol.:%7.3f ch.:%7.3f\n',...
loop, compliance, mean(x(:)), change);
% Plot intermediate results
colormap(gray); imagesc(-xPhys); axis equal; axis off; drawnow;
%% Post-processing
colormap(gray); imagesc(-xPhys); axis equal; axis off; drawnow;
title(['Final compliance: ', num2str(compliance)]);
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
# 定义常数
E = 1 # 弹性模量
nu = 0.3 # 泊松比
rho = 1 # 密度
l = 1 # 梁长度
w = 0.1 # 梁宽度
h = 0.1 # 梁高度
p = -1 # 外载荷
# 定义初始布局
n_elx, n_ely = 60, 10 # 元素个数
nel = n_elx * n_ely # 总元素数
nnx, nny = n_elx + 1, n_ely + 1 # 节点数
nn = nnx * nny # 总节点数
ndof = 2 # 自由度个数
nnp = nn * ndof # 总自由度个数
x = np.zeros(nnp)
# 定义初始密度分布
volfrac = 0.5 # 初始密度
x[:nnp//2] = volfrac
# 定义有限元模型
KE = np.array([[12, 3, -6, -3], [3, 12, 3, -6], [-6, 3, 12, -3], [-3, -6, -3, 12]]) / (12 * (1 - nu ** 2) * h * w)
KE1 = np.array([[-6, -3, 6, -3], [-3, 0, 3, 0], [6, 3, -6, 3], [-3, 0, 3, 0]]) / (2 * l)
KE2 = np.array([[12, -6, 3, -12], [-6, 4, -2, 6], [3, -2, 4, -3], [-12, 6, -3, 12]]) * E * h ** 3 / (12 * (1 - nu ** 2) * l ** 3)
edofMat = np.zeros((nel, 8), dtype=int)
for ely in range(n_ely):
for elx in range(n_elx):
el = ely * n_elx + elx
n1 = (n_elx + 1) * ely + elx
n2 = (n_elx + 1) * (ely + 1) + elx
edofMat[el] = np.array([2 * n1, 2 * n1 + 1, 2 * n2, 2 * n2 + 1, 2 * (n1 + 1), 2 * (n1 + 1) + 1, 2 * (n2 + 1), 2 * (n2 + 1) + 1])
# 定义ESO算法
def ElementStiffness(x):
# 计算元素刚度矩阵
penal = 3
KE_penalty = penal * x ** (penal - 1) * KE
return KE_penalty
def ElementMass(x):
# 计算元素质量矩阵
rho_penalty = rho * x ** penal
return rho_penalty * KE2
def ComputeK(x):
# 计算总刚度矩阵
K = lil_matrix((nnp, nnp))
for el in range(nel):
edof = edofMat[el]
KE_penalty = ElementStiffness(x[edof[:4]])
K[np.ix_(edof[:4], edof[:4])] += KE_penalty
K[np.ix_(edof[:4], edof[4:])] -= KE1
K[np.ix_(edof[4:], edof[:4])] -= KE1.T
ME_penalty = ElementMass(x[edof[:4]])
K[np.ix_(edof[:4], edof[:4])] += ME_penalty
return K
def ESO(x, Emin=1e-9, Emax=1e9, rho_min=0.001, rho_max=1, beta=1):
# 进行ESO优化
loop = 0
change = 1
while change > 0.01 and loop < 100:
loop += 1
x_old = x.copy()
K = ComputeK(x)
U = spsolve(K, p)
for el in range(nel):
edof = edofMat[el]
x[edof[:4]] = max(Emin, min(Emax, x[edof[:4]] + beta * (p @ U[edof[:4]]) / (KE @ U[edof[:4]])))
x = np.minimum(np.maximum(x, rho_min), rho_max)
change = np.linalg.norm(x - x_old, np.inf)
return x
# 进行优化
x_opt = ESO(x)
# 绘制简化图
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for ely in range(n_ely):
for elx in range(n_elx):
el = ely * n_elx + elx
xc = (elx + 0.5) / n_elx
yc = (ely + 0.5) / n_ely
if x_opt[edofMat[el, :4]].sum() / 4 > 1e-4:
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((xc - 0.5 / n_elx, yc - 0.5 / n_ely), 1 / n_elx, 1 / n_ely, facecolor='black'))
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((xc - 0.5 / n_elx, yc - 0.5 / n_ely), 1 / n_elx, 1 / n_ely, facecolor='white'))
ax.set_xlim([0, 1])
ax.set_ylim([0, 1])
