时间: 2024-12-31 19:19:14 浏览: 5
### 不同搜索求解策略的流程图
#### 广度优先搜索 (BFS)
graph TD;
A[Start] --> B[Initialize queue with start node];
B --> C[Dequeue a node];
C --> D{Is the dequeued node visited?};
D -- Yes --> E[Mark as visited];
D -- No --> F[Enqueue all unvisited neighbors];
F --> G[Check if goal is reached];
G -- Yes --> H[Return path to goal];
G -- No --> I[Continue loop];
#### 深度优先搜索 (DFS)
graph TD;
A[Start] --> B[Push start node onto stack];
B --> C[Pop top node from stack];
C --> D{Is popped node visited?};
D -- Yes --> E[Backtrack];
D -- No --> F[Mark as visited];
F --> G[PUSH all unvisited children];
G --> H{Are there more nodes on stack?};
H -- Yes --> C;
H -- No --> I[All reachable nodes have been explored];
#### 启发式搜索(A*)
启发式搜索利用估计函数来指导搜索方向,从而更快地接近最优解。A* 是一种常用的启发式搜索方法,在每一步都选择当前已知的最佳选项前进。
graph TD;
A[Start] --> B[Set initial state as current];
B --> C{Is current state goal?};
C -- Yes --> D[Goal found! Return solution];
C -- No --> E[Generate successors of current state];
E --> F[Evaluate f(n)=g(n)+h(n)];
F --> G[Select best successor based on evaluation];
G --> H[Update open/closed lists];
H --> I{Any states left unchecked?};
I -- Yes --> J[Repeat process];
I -- No --> K[No solutions exist];
其中 `f(n)` 表示总成本预测值;`g(n)` 代表实际已经发生的代价;而 `h(n)` 则是对剩余距离的一个估算.