As for the liquid water content distributions, the liquid saturations in gas diffusion layers are shown in Fig. 6. For both case1 and case 2, the liquid water appears in the vapor saturation areas which locate between the mid area and cathode outlet area. For both cases, the cathode side exhibits apparent higher liquid water content than anode side does. Moreover, the liquid water accumulates in the porous media under the ribs rather than the gas channels, due to the elimination effects of liquid water in gas channels by convective flows. The maximum value of liquid saturation locates at the edge areas of cathode flow field without coverage by the wavy air channels where the oxygen supply is hindered by both blockage of liquid water in porous media and farther distance for gas permeation. The liquid water content of case 2 shows slightly higher than that of case 1, which is a result of tradeoff between operating temperature and pressure. Increasing temperature alleviates the condensation of water vapor, while the increased back pressure lowers volumetric gas flow rate and enhances liquid water accumulation inside the porous media.

时间: 2023-02-19 09:14:49 浏览: 73

用中文翻译:The detailed temperature distributions under 1 A/cm2 for case 1 are shown in Fig. 11 as an example for analysis. In Fig. 11 (a), the inversely phased wavy flow channels for H2 and air are overlapped in the xz plane indicated with flow directions of each reactants’ channels. The rib areas for anode and cathode sides are also wavy shaped and intercrossed in the front view of xz plane. As a result, there are four kinds of zones in the MEA area when overlapping the anode and cathode flow fields: anode channel / cathode channel (AnC/CaC), anode channel / cathode rib (AnC/CaR), anode rib / cathode channel (AnR/CaC) and anode rib / cathode rib (AnR/CaR). For example, the red dashed line areas in Fig. 11 (a) indicates the AnR/CaR areas where the ribs of MBPP at both anode and cathode sides contact the MEA directly. Fig. 11 (b) shows the temperature distributions in the mid plane of membrane. The high and low temperature areas both present multiple elliptical island shaped distributions with the temperature range of 344 K–346 K. Besides, the calculated 2D temperature distributions in the mid plane of anode and cathode catalyst layers are similar to those in membrane with slight local temperature deviations.

结果,当重叠的阳极和阴极流场时,MEA区域有四种类型的区域:阳极通道/阴极通道(AnC/CaC),阳极通道/阴极肋(AnC/CaR),阳极肋/阴极通道(AnR/CaC)和阳极肋/阴极肋(AnR/CaR)。图11(b)显示了膜中间面的温度分布。高温和低温区域都呈现多个椭圆形岛状分布,温度范围为344 K-346 K。此外,计算出的阳极和阴极催化剂层中间面的2D温度分布与膜中间面的温度分布类似,但存在轻微的局部温度偏差。

job for docker.service failed because the control proccess exited

I apologize for the inconvenience. The error message you mentioned indicates that the Docker control process encountered an issue and exited, resulting in the failure of the Docker service. There can be several reasons for this problem. Here are a few common troubleshooting steps you can try: 1. Check the logs: Examine the logs for the Docker service to get more details about the error. On most Linux distributions, you can find the logs in `/var/log/docker.log` or `journalctl -u docker.service`. 2. Restart the Docker service: Try restarting the Docker service using the following command: ``` sudo systemctl restart docker ``` 3. Check system resources: Ensure that your system has enough resources (CPU, memory, disk space) available for Docker to run properly. You can check resource usage with tools like `top` or `htop`. 4. Update Docker: If you are using an outdated version of Docker, consider updating it to the latest stable release. Instructions for updating Docker depend on your operating system, so refer to the official Docker documentation for specific instructions. 5. Remove conflicting containers or images: Sometimes, conflicts between containers or problematic images can cause issues with the Docker service. Try removing any conflicting containers or images and see if it resolves the problem. If these steps do not resolve the issue, please provide more details about your setup, any recent changes you made, and any other relevant error messages you encounter during troubleshooting.


用中文翻译:A coupled three-dimensional model is developed to study the internal parameter distributions of the MBPP fuel cell stack, considering fluid dynamics, electro-chemical reactions, multi-species mass transfer, twophase flow of water and thermal dynamics. The model geometry domains include anode MBPP, anode gas wavy flow field (5 parallel flow channels), anode GDL, anode catalyst layer (CL), membrane, cathode CL, cathode GDL, cathode gas wavy flow field (5 parallel flow channels), cathode MBPP and the two-layered coolant wavy flow fields at anode/cathode sides. According to the stack design, the design parameters of wavy flow fields for anode and cathode sides are the same but the phase deviation between their wave cycles presents 180◦. The two wavy flow fields of coolant, at the respective back sides of the anode and cathode plates, form the intercrossed two-layered coolant flow fields inside the MBPP, due to the phase difference of 180◦ between the wave cycles (Fig. 3). The mismatched flow field patterns between the neighbored fluid flows lead to complicated geometry and mesh building. The presented model geometry is divided into several layers (xz plane) according to the different domain materials so that the thin metallic plate and fluid domains with complicated 3D morphologies could be finely meshed layer by layer. As the real geometry of the experimental stack is too large for calculation, the modeled flow field consists of 5 parallel wavy channels, each of which includes 2 wave periods and corresponding inlet/outlet portions as well. To study the detailed thermal behavior of the presented design, the two-layered coolant fluid flow at the back side of the anode plate is considered and so is for the cathode plate. The counter flow operation is conducted where the air flows at the same direction with coolant but the opposite with hydrogen, shown in Fig. 3 (b).

Make sure that we grade your HW based solely on your R code script. If we don’t see the correct results when we run your code, you will get 0 point for those questions. 1. Create a R function to show the central limit theorem. This function should have the following properties: - In the argument of the function, you have an option to consider poisson, exponential, uniform, normal distributions as the population distribution. - Depending on the choice of the population distribution in part (1), the function will receive extra argument(s) for the parameters of the distribution. For example, if a normal distri- bution is chosen, the mean and SD are needed in the function argument. Note that each distribution has a different parameter setting. - If the distribution is not selected from (“Normal”, “Poisson”, “Uniform”, “Exponential”), the function needs to print the following error message: check the distributional setting: consider ("Normal", "Poisson", "Uniform", "Exponential") and stop. - The function should give the summary statistics (minimum, 1st quartile, median, mean, 3rd quartile, maximum) of 1, 000 sample mean values for given n values (n = 10, 50, 100, 500). - The result should have the following statement at the beginning, for example, if a normal distribution with mean 1 and SD 0.5 was chosen: ‘‘For the Normal distribution, the central limit theorem is tested’’ where the term “Normal” is automatically inserted in the statement based on the argument. And the output should have the following form: For the Normal distribution, the central limit theorem is tested When n=10: Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.5187 0.8930 1.0016 0.9993 1.1019 1.4532 When n=50: Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.7964 0.9508 1.0010 0.9997 1.0493 1.2309 1 When n=100: Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.8534 0.9679 0.9972 0.9992 1.0325 1.1711 When n=500: Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.9258 0.9836 1.0006 0.9997 1.0154 1.0678 I Using your own function, test the N(−1,0.52) and the Unif(−3,6) case.




1. 目录 1. 目录 2 2. 绘图函数Plotting functions 4 2.1. 可视化的统计关系Visualizing statistical relationships 4 2.1.1. 用散点图联系变量Relating variables with scatter plots 4 2.1.2. 强调线条图的连续性...




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这个问题可以使用递归方法解决。下面是一个思路: 1. 定义一个函数,接收三个参数:n、m、i,表示还剩下n个人,每次数到m时出列,当前报数的人是i; 2. 如果n=1,返回i,即最后留下的那个人的编号; 3. 否则,计算出下一个出列的人的编号j,通过递归调用函数解决n-1个人的问题,其结果为k; 4. 如果k < j,即当前i之后出列的人的编号为k,需要将k转换为在i之前出列的编号,返回值为 k+(n-1); 5. 如果k>=j,即当前i之后出列的人的编号为k,返回值为 k-(j-1); 下面是对应的Python代码: ```python def josephus(n, m, i):

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